Always in the Hospital

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            I awoke to a burning hot pain stemming from my left leg and my right arm. I squeezed my eyes shut in a pathetic attempt to pretend the pain I felt wasn't real. Ignoring the reality of the situation, allowing thoughts of stupid lewd comments to Toshinori to fill my head as to nullify my suffering. However, even with my eyes shut, the sounds around me broke my thoughts in two, I was finding it more and more challenging to daydream the agony away.

Beeping...most likely a heart monitor. Shuffling noises, wheels on tile flooring. I could only guess I was at the hospital. After a moment, my assumption was confirmed when the familiar blast of air was sent into my nostrils. The damn noodle was back! I was finally free of the damn thing! And I was just in the hospital this morning! Great! Fucking great!

Stupid hospital sounds buzzed around me as I remained blind to the world, the lids of my eyes shielding me from embracing the reality of the situation. That was until a familiar voice spoke up. "Where the fuck is he...?"

That...did not sound like Toshinori. I mean, yeah Toshinori curses sometimes, but he isn't one to just drop the 'fuck' bomb willy-nilly. No...this person had to be different. Their breathing was jagged, rough, aggressive, and irritated. I could hear it with just my eyes closed. Questions were who were they and who was 'he?' Perhaps if I pretended that I had just woken up the harshness of their demeanor would cease. I weakly reached my left hand up, biting back any pain that flared up and forcing my eyes to remain closed. "Toshi...?"

There was a scoff before a response was given. Yeah...that was definitely not Toshinori, or All Might. "Guess again. Asshole's taking a bit to get here."

I dared enough to peek at the man I was speaking to. There voice was gruff and low in resonance. I had a few guesses, but once the intimidating form of Pro-Hero Endeavor caught my sight, with is arms crossed as he leaned against a wall, all the other ideas of who it could be flew away in terror. "En...Endeavor?!"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why in God's name was he here?! He was so anti-people I was confused why he even became a hero. Everyone knew Endeavor was terrible with civilian care, he was too harsh and crass. Toshinori was more attuned to such work. Where was he? Where was All Might?

I scanned the small hospital room for any signs of the hulking form of my boyfriend before movement caught my attention. Endeavor had pushed himself away from the wall and his arms were now at his side instead of crossed across his chest. "I'm not babysitting for him anymore. I'm leaving." Babysitting? What the Hell did he even mean? I was going to ask him, but with his curt statement of departure, he left the room; leaving me alone.

I lay there in silence, wondering what was going on, what Endeavor meant by babysitting, and how Toshinori was doing and if he was panicking or not. My thoughts seemed to linger on him, which was a positive as it made the searing flames of anguish that coursed through me from my injuries to vanish from my mind. As my thoughts lingered on him though, they did start to drift over to the situation I was in just before waking up here. I thought I had everything under control, the situation wasn't nearly as bad as previous ones I had been in, at least that's what I had thought. Yeah...I called him, but it was a buffer in case something happened to the civilians, not to me. I wonder how the cop is doing? Hopefully okay...

"Ayano!" I was dragged from my thoughts on where I had been before waking up in a hospital bed by the loud slam of my hospital room door. The figure in the door was Toshinori's, still in his hero costume but his hair was a mess and he looked a bit disheveled. Yeah...he was panicking.

I didn't stay on the thought of his panic long though. The object of my teasing was here. The man who allowed me to forget my fears was present, so my eyes and brain went to viewing and drinking in his image, those bulging muscles, rippling pectorals, that sexy Herculean body. I couldn't help myself, the pain causing my nervous habits to kick into overdrive now that my comfort was standing in the doorway. "To what do I own this," my eyes devoured him and his body, taking in every inch of his form. "pleasure, All Might?" My voice was practically purring his name.

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