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            I sat on the couch in the living room, watching the evening news once again covering another incredible feat by Japan's Symbol of Peace, All Might. He was standing there with that stupid, broad smile and give his heroic and obnoxious laugh. It only made me wonder how other women managed to be in love with him. I mean yeah...I'm going to be his wife, but I know the real him and that isn't my future husband. All Might and Toshinori are different. They share a lot in common, but they don't share that damned laugh.

I sighed with annoyance as my eyes seemed to be pulled down towards my now fitted engagement ring. I really was going to be his wife...what a thought. We were living together, I am going to have his child, we're engaged. I think any of those stupid fangirls would die to be in the position I'm in...but at what cost?

I lifted my right hand, setting it on my distended abdomen. The parasite growing inside me was certainly more active now. Nor that it was February, there was no surprise that my stomach was showing more. However, because of that and the frailty of my body, my doctor suggested that I take it easy now and avoid any strenuous tasks. Which sadly meant for me that at the moment...Breathing Pollen was closed. I hated lounging about with nothing to do. Granted it made Toshinori feel more at ease because he knew I was home.

Yes, everything was grand...any of those fangirls would love to be in my position. A walking twig with a weird growth thing coming from my stomach, sucking out my very last bit of energy, scraggly, scrawny, certainly not the most attractive girl, peach fuzz growing on top of my head. At that thought, I subconsciously tugged on my All Might beanie. Anyone would love to be me.

With these thoughts scrambling in my head, my phone chimed next to me. A message. -Are you feeling all right? Is there anything you want me to pick up for you before I come home?-

Toshinori, ever the worrier and caregiver. That's probably one of the reasons he made it to the top and everyone loves him. Toshinori is caring, kindhearted, selfless, and personable. Man's overly friendly and makes a fantastic hero...despite my desire for him to be less boisterous as a hero.

I shook my head, a smile tugging onto my lips as I started typing my message back. -As long as you're bringing your sexy self home, I don't think I have any other requests.-

Hopefully that would catch him off-guard. I love always making him flustered. I'd admit to enjoying the ability of making the mightiest symbol in Japan bend to his knees before me. It's a power thing. Dominance.

His response was a bit delayed, but arrived not too long after I had sent my message. -You're in top performance. Your appointment must have gone well. Everything all checked out? You and the baby are okay?-

A grimace came over my features. My appointment. It had gone well...but the news I had been given, while fantastic, was something I was nervous to tell Toshinori. Granted he would be elated to know the gender of his child no matter what, my fear came with the arguments over what the Hell we were going to name the Sunspot. I mean...we couldn't actually call them Sunspot. -All you ever yammer about is the baby? What about me and my needs?-

Lead him astray. Try to make it a surprise. He'd follow the bait, loose track of asking about the appointment, and I'd be in the clear. Simple. He always follows my bait and I haven't sent him any messages leading him to believe that something was wrong or I would be hiding something.

-Sweetheart, I'm worried about both of you. And what needs do you have and I'll do my best to satisfy them?- Yes! He took the bait. Perfect. I can lead him off-topic and then when the timing is just right, BOOM, baby gender.

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