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            The next morning, I awoke far too early and far too unceremoniously. I awoke to the sound of a loud thud as something massive and solid hit the floor of my bedroom. The sound and the fact that something fell to the floor sent a jolt of panic coursing through my veins. I shot up from the bed, my left hand nearly slamming down on Toshinori's side of the bed with the expectation that my hulking, heroic lover would be there. He wasn't. Great...Toshinori wasn't in bed. Well, considering how pitch black it was in the room, I would gather he was either called to save the city or was out taking a jog and doing his usual workout routine. That meant it was up to me to address what was going on in the room.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand hastily, keeping my thumb at the ready to flip it open quickly and speed-dial the hero agency where Toshinori worked. With the preparedness I had, I slowly and carefully crawled my way towards the edge of the bed where the sound had generated from. As I drew closer to the noise's source, a new noise greeted my ears, groaning and silent muttering. Familiar groaning and silent muttering. The mound of muscle that was my Toshinori was apparently still home.

An audible sigh left my lips before I spoke up, "Damnit Toshi...you scared the shit out of me..."

There was a shuffling and the sound of his heavy movements, most likely him getting back up off the ground. "Sorry Sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you. I was leaving the light off so I wouldn't wake you actually. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

With another sigh, I made my way back to my side of the bed. Once there, and with a bit of reaching, I flicked on the lamp that was also on my nightstand to shed light on the subject and set my phone back down. As the light cascaded across the room, I caught a glimpse of the messy golden-sun locks of my boyfriend's hair. As he stood and his hair moved from his face, I noticed the love and gentility behind Toshinori's dazzling blue orbs. He was watching my movements with fixation before he moved around the bed towards me. I realized then that he must have been attempting to get dressed because all he was wearing still...were his boxers.

With tenderness and a bit of trembling, Toshinori rested a hand on my head and smiled before lifting it and going to the dresser. "I'll be quick and head out so you can get back to sleep."

I...I just stared at him in baffled amazement for the shear fact that he thought I could go back to sleep after waking up in such a manner. "Babe...Do you really think I can go back to sleep after that wake-up call? Hell, I might as well just stay awake."

With that declaration, I hopped out of bed to head to the kitchen. At least that was the intention before a massive, muscular arm coiled around me, preventing me from getting to my destination. Toshinori was tender with the action, almost moving with me as to not put pressure on my small forming baby bump. "Ayano, Dear, please go back to bed. Think of the baby...You need the rest."

That statement alone had me turning to face him, his arm now wrapping around my back to support me. "Why would I do that? You woke me up, so now I'm awake."

Toshinori was practically pleading with me to go back to bed. I felt his arm starting to gingerly push me back towards our shared bed. "Ayano, please...the baby needs–"

"How do you know what the baby wants or needs?!" I shot a glare up towards those sparkling blues. "I'll tell you what the baby wants Toshinori. The baby wants you to let me go to the kitchen and get something to eat!"

I felt him jolt at my response. There was obvious hesitation to release me, visible from his stature, the feeling of his arm around me, and the look in his gentle blue oceans. "It's five thirty in the morning Sweetheart. Please, you and the baby need rest."

The Hero and the DamselOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant