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            Having my own flower shop was wonderful. Breathing Pollen meant so much to me, but it needed some renovations to be exactly the way I envisioned my own personal flower shop in my head. However, there was a slight snag in doing renovations. While I felt confident that I could handle doing the renovations on my own, it seemed Toshinori felt otherwise. He constantly was telling me not to do anything and to let him handle everything, but with his work as the Number One Hero and the Symbol of Peace, he was always busy saving the day. With that in mind, I really wanted to get Breathing Pollen off the ground as soon as possible. I mean it's been about four months since we bought the shop! It was about to be October!

I was at least able to convince him to let me do some interior decorating like select paints, flooring, furniture, and other such necessary supplies. Even curtains. Anything that was manual labor though, was out of the question. Toshinori was fearful he would come to the shop one day to check on me and my lungs would have given out on me leaving me gasping and struggling for air on the floor. I complied and compromised that he handle the manual labor, and I do the shopping.

Today was just another day of browsing and shopping in town for supplies, furniture, and other such items to make Breathing Pollen everything I imagine in my head. Beforehand though, I needed to stop by the hospital for my last bout of chemotherapy. I was finally going to be considered cancer-free. It was elating. I was eating more, but I still looked like a twig compared to pictures of myself from a year ago. Yes, eating more, feeling better. I was even off my cannula. I stopped using that stupid noodle of a thing two months ago. My respiratory therapist felt that my lungs were working a lot better and the surgery was a complete success.

I entered the hospital with a wave before making my way to the front desk where a nurse greeted me. "Yamane. You have an appointment?"

Of course, she would ask the obvious stupid question. I'd been returning to this hospital once a month for my treatments. "Yeah."

The nurse gave a nod before gesturing to her left, my right, towards the waiting area. I groaned before walking over. It wasn't like this hospital was always busy. I had come to learn that this was a hospital frequented more by heroes when they wanted to keep low profiles on their injuries. I supposed Toshinori brought me here so they could treat me and keep my relationship with him a secret. I took my seat while thinking on this matter, still a bit frustrated that they acted as though they didn't see me every month. Either way, I would have to wait for the doctor, so I pulled my phone out to text Toshinori. -How many times has the great All Might saved the day today?-

I smirked, thinking my little ploy of a question clever. Toshinori and I had been dating almost a solid year, in fact, it had been a year. We started dating last week and our anniversary had just passed. What an had a romantic evening set, a callback to the night he first tried to confess his feelings to me with the sunflower petals adorning the bed we shared. However, this time he actually did go all the way with me. It was most...pleasurable. So...fucking...amazing!

Anyway, I still felt my question was clever, and soon enough I got recognition for my question. -Only two or three times today. Nothing too outlandish though. Are you at the hospital Sweetheart?-

His pet names, even after our time together, never changed. He was so sweet. He was the real Sweetheart in this relationship. -Yeah, sitting in the waiting room...thinking about our anniversary night.-

My enjoyment of teasing him hadn't ceased either. He was still fun to tease, especially when he was at work. -That...was a good night. Very good. Amazingly good. Fantastically good. Fucking good. ANYWAY! Are you going to talk to the doctor about those cramps in your stomach and your feeling sick?-

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