Shouting Contests

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            Toshinori certainly did make me something for breakfast before leaving for work. Shokupan to be exact, with sweet, lathered on grape jam. The texture was just right, and the amount of jam atop each piece of shokupan was perfect. He knew me well, or perhaps he was learning my habits well. Either way, I ate heartily as Toshinori had tamago kake gohan. Each of us also enjoying a nice warm herbal tea. Without the terrible wake-up call Toshinori gave me, this would be a good way to start the day.

I would need a good start to the day to be honest. Disregarding my rude awakening, and gaining coherency from a delectable breakfast with my hulking boyfriend before he heads out, memories from the night before dawned on me. The entirety of last night actually dawned on me. I had told my parents I was pregnant, and needless to say my father didn't take that well. I expected as much. However, a few hours after that call, my mother called to tell me that she was coming to visit, and where she was coming to visit, my father was sure to be following behind her.

He knew of the pregnancy now, he wasn't taking it well, he already hated Toshinori with a burning passion. This wasn't going to be a good day at all. At least the start was nice as I continued to munch and nibble at my shokupan. I guess Toshinori took notice of my indignation and lose of zeal towards eating. "Sweetheart?"

I glanced up at him, a bit startled that he was addressing me as I wasn't expecting it. "Yes?"

There was a soft smile tugging on his lips, allowing his Adonis-like features to be prominent. "Something on your mind? You were ready to eat ice cream without thought a bit ago. Are you not feeling well again?"

With the amount of bouts we'd had of me feeling or being sick due to the baby, Toshinori had adapted and probably naturally assumed that anytime I wasn't eating it was because I was feeling nauseous from the energy and food sucker in my womb. This time wasn't one of those cases though. I shook my head. "No, I'm...actually thinking about today. Do you remember what I told you last night?"

There was a quizzical look on his face as he watched me. "About?"

"About today." I had told him last night in my hazy stupor of sleep that my parents were coming to town tomorrow. Did he not remember? He never replied when I told him that last night, maybe he was asleep already. "About the fact that my parents are coming to visit?"

I watched as Toshinori visibly tensed. His muscles were tensing up, most likely from remembering how much my father hates him. "Your...Y-Your father?" I gave a nod, which didn't seem to quell his rigid appearance. "He...He knows that I impregnated you too...well...t-t-today is going to be interesting." Toshinori waved his hand. I could still see how stressed and taut his body was from the mere thought of my father's rage at the situation, but he continued to wave his hand as though everything was fine. "I'm sure it'll be...b-b-be fine. H-H-He wouldn't o-outright do a-anything to a...a-a hero."

He didn't sound confident about that at all. "Toshinori, are you trying to convince me, or yourself?"

A jolt shot through him before he picked up his bowl and my empty plate. "N-Neither, just...just stating a fact. Anyway, I need to get going." His demeanor changed as he kissed the top of my head. "I'll see you soon, hopefully today will be quiet, for both of us."

I shook my head with a smirk before tilting my head back and reaching my arms out. This was signal to Toshinori to return to me and give me a proper kiss goodbye. He obliged, kissing me tenderly on the lips before leaving the house to go save tons of people and leaving me to figure out how to deal with my parents.

At least I had years of experience dealing with my parents. I gazed over at the clock to get an idea of the time. 7 AM. Would they be awake? Dad probably would be, Mom...maybe not. Do I chance it? I sat in contemplation, one hand clutching my phone, the other carefully resting on the small forming baby bump. I would have to chance it if my father was coming to the city to see me and attack my boyfriend.

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