Horrible First Impressions

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            I guess the doctors didn't make Toshinori leave last night. I mean, how could they? He's All Might after all. I noticed he was still in my hospital when I woke up, and as I stretched, I felt his head face down on my bed. I grinned as I gazed down at his messy golden locks all over the place as he lay there with his face planted on the side of my bed asleep. He fell asleep sitting, poor man. Even as he slept though, his hand was still firmly clutching my sheets and in turn me.

I gave a gentle tap to his head, think that would wake him. No surprise it didn't. The goliath remained face down on my bed, dead asleep. He was so adorable like this, this giant of a man just...stupidly dorky. I couldn't help by start messing with his hair before a mischievous idea popped into my sadistic mind. I carefully and gently, being mindful of my connections, leaned down so my lips were close to his ear and he could feel my heated breath. Once there, I pushed those liquid sun locks out of my way as I gave a sultry whisper, "Babe...I'd love to feel those muscles press me against a wall...Come on All Might...take me."

His head moved away, causing me to pull back from him. I was certainly he would sit up, starting to wake up as he became all red, flustered, and dorky. However...that was not exactly the case. Instead, he got up and looked incredibly different. Toshinori didn't yawn, didn't stretch, nothing except put his muscular arms underneath me as he quickly lifted me off the bed. I panicked as I felt the needles and monitoring devices disconnect from me. During my panic of being disconnected, I found myself pressed against a wall, Toshinori's hands placed firmly on my hips and his leg placed in between mine as I was suspended and pinned...a-against a wall.

I was going to say his name, but the sound got caught in my throat as I melted against him. Before I could vocalize myself, I felt his head on my shoulder, his breath ghosting my neck before he started laying gentle kisses along it. Shuddering at the action, I started to squirm weakly against him. "T-T-Toshi! B-Babe, w-what are you d-d-doing?"

That was the moment that Toshinori groggily opened those piercing blue eyes to gaze at the sight before him, me pinned by him against a wall. Those wonderful eyes widened as they filled with fear and panic. He opened his mouth the speak as he started moving to release me from my pinning before the door slammed open with an excited, exuberant shout. "Ayano, my Hon – "

A woman with short, light brown hair and bright green eyes was standing in the doorway, staring between my boyfriend and me. I stared at disbelief as this woman, my mother, was standing in the doorway. I could easily see the terror taking over in her eyes as she continued to look at this massive man pinning her only daughter, me, to a wall. She quickly turned and started flailing. "T-T-Takeo!"

A taller man with dark blonde hair was standing behind her as his grey, old eyes peeked around her and saw this Greek god pinning me, his only daughter, to a wall. I saw the immediate rage as the man stepped forward, pushing my mother behind him as he raised his hand and a nearby waste bin was lifted into the air. He moved his hand, gesturing towards Toshinori, and in turn me, causing the waste bin to fly at both of us. That's when the shout caught my attention. "You fucking bastard! Drop my Ayano this instant!"

Toshinori's reflexes were quick, as always, as he moved to shield me with his body from the waste bin. After the attack, he quickly changed the position of pressing me against the wall to carrying me bridal style hurriedly to the bed. He set me down to my laying position with great care. As he did this, I got a quick glimpse of that sun-kissed face turning a bit red. I gave a slight smirk and whispered to him, "We'll talk about that response you had later Babe."

I gave a wink as he hesitated and stepped back from me, choosing to stand as he hung his head in what I could only assume was shame. As he hung his head there, my father and mother hurried over to my bedside and took over coddling me. My father had grasped my hands and my mother was stroking my hair. As he gripped my hand, my father looked at me with great worry. "Ayano, are you all right?!"

I was about to respond to him but my mother cut me off as she continued to pet and stroke my hair. "My poor little Cupcake, being sick in the hospital and getting assaulted by–" My mother gave a quick glance over to Toshinori and the confusion started to set in. "By...A-All Might? You're a Pro-Hero and molesting my daughter?! What hero does that?!"

My father's caring, kind look went from focusing on me to glaring over his shoulder at Toshinori as he released my hand and stood. "You! I don't give a damn if you are some Pro-Hero! Disconnecting her from all this stuff that is helping her so you could play with my little girl's body! You sick fuck!"

He was fuming. I hadn't seen my father this mad in years. I started to grit my teeth. I hated the way he was talking to Toshinori. I absolutely hated it. However, Toshinori didn't respond, he merely left his head hanging there. After a few moments he did mumble, "I'll go get a doctor to reconnect her to her monitors." And with that he left the room.

In a futile attempt to stop him, I reached my hand out, only for my father to take it in his hand once more, his attention again going to me. "My little Ayano, are you all right? He didn't hurt you right? I'll murder that bastard if he harmed a sweet hair on your precious head, Pro-Hero or not!" Those old, grey eyes of my father were seething with rage.

I gave a weak pull in resistance to have my hand back and out of my father's grip. "Dad, I'm fine, really. Tos...A-All Might was...um...well h-he w-was..."

My mother, without missing a beat went over the bed and wrapped me up in her arms, continued to pet my hair. "It's okay Pumpkin! Dad and I are here so that horny, sex-crazed hero can't lay another finger on you!"

I tensed and struggled against my mother's incessant petting and coddling. "M-Mom! H-He's not like that!" I hated the way they were talking about Toshinori. They were viewing him in this horrible light, all because of my stupid idiotic idea.

My mother, ever persistent, simply shushed me and went back to messing around with my dirty blonde hair. That was until the door clicked open to the sound of Toshinori and the doctor entering and speaking to each other. "I-I'm sorry...I-It's a bit...c-complicated h-how she...s-she got d-disconnected."

My father's eyes stopped focusing on me and went straight towards the doctor before fixating on his new target of anger, Toshinori. "The Hell it's complicated! You disconnected her before you pinned my innocent girl against a wall to fulfill your sex fantasies with her body! Some fucked up hero you are! You call this saving her?! You could have killed her you twisted asshole!"

Toshinori's eyes were downcast, but I caught a hint of the pain and shame lingering behind them. This...this was my fault. I didn't think they would be coming at all, they were supposed to be on a cruise. Toshinori was getting laid into and it was pissing me off how dejected and defeated he looked as my father yelled at him. He was my boyfriend! I...No! I wasn't going to stand for this. I felt fury rising in me as the doctor connected the needles and monitors back up to me and the heart monitor started climbing. My mother stopped messing with me as I tensed and gripped the sheets as hard as I could. "Enough Dad! Stop yelling at him! It was my fault!" I tried to be intimidating as my father went from shouting and accusing Toshinori of horrible sexual acts before turning to face me. I tried...but a coughing fit consumed me. At that moment, both men responded in the same fashion, running over to me to ensure my safety and health.

I coughed for a good few minutes, Toshinori, my father, and my mother trying to make sure that I was okay and all right. As they did as such, the doctor chided me for raising my voice in my condition. I nodded in understanding before apologizing with a wheeze and him telling me to take it easy before leaving the room.

I was going to take it easy, once this whole situation was cleared up. As the doctor left, I focused all my attention to my father and in turn my muscly Adonis standing next to him with worry behind his gentle sapphires. Toshinori reached a hand out to me gingerly, but my father glared at him causing Toshinori to jolt and lower his hand nervously in defeat. That...That was the final straw for me. I wanted him to touch me and comfort me, and I wasn't going to let me idiot of a dad stop me from getting my muscle pillow comforts! I gave an exasperated sigh before I sat up weakly and spoke, "Mom, Dad, meet All Might."

My mother was the first to interject as I spoke. "We know who he is Cupcake, he was going to molest you! We're trying to protect you from him!"

I groaned, causing another few hacks out of me before I continued with a bit of rasp. "He...wasn't going to...he was just...Nevermind. That isn't important right now. I want you guys to meet well...All Might...not as the Pro-Hero...but...but as my b-b-boyfriend."

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