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            That night was a blur of passion I had never even dreamt of before. The feeling was blissful, mutual, tender. Every part of me felt adorned with Toshinori's affections and kisses. He left no part of my body unloved and uncared for. However...the same could not be said for the next morning.

I woke up in tremendous pain and agony. Considering I felt no arms around me, and no weight to my left side, I found it safe to assume that he had left to go to work. I reached my flimsy, boney arms out to grab my phone off the nightstand. As I did so, I took note that my oxygen tank had been moved from the closet and the cannula was considerately placed on my nightstand. A note was left on my phone, signed by my lovable dork.

Sorry to leave you in the morning Sweetheart. A hero's work is never something that is finished. I was hoping I could stay until you woke up, but you didn't seem to want to. Since your breathing sounded a bit off, I got worried and moved your oxygen tank. Please rest today...I love you Ayano.

~ Toshi

Such a dork. I placed the note down and started doing my gentle breathing exercises the doctor told me to do in order to strength and work on my lungs. As I did this, I attempted to nullify the pain that was searing on my arms, legs, thighs, and hips. Toshinori really did a number on me. I'm surprised he didn't hold back, but then again...perhaps I was right in assume that this was his first time being with a woman in a sexual sense.

I continued breathing, a blush beginning to dust my face as I thought about me being Toshinori's first romantic endeavor when my phone went off. Breathing in and out, I answered, placed it on speaker, and put it on my nightstand. When I spoke to give a greeting though, the voice that came out of me was faint, hoarse, and raspy. "Hello?"

The voice that answered me was female and rather familiar. Midnight. "Yamane?! Good God you sound terrible. How are you feeling? Is it your lungs?"

I gave a light chuckle as I continued to breath in and out as instructed. "What a greeting. Thanks for making me feel so wonderful Midnight, glad to hear from you too."

There was a sharp intake of breath. "Sorry."

I gave a shrug. The motion was exhausting, and incredibly agonizing. " problem."

There was hesitation on the line. Midnight probably heard my wince of pain at having shrugged my shoulders. "Yamane?"

"Fine. I'm fine. Do you need something Midnight? You don't usually call me that often." It's not that I minded, it was just uncommon, and if I'm being honest, I just wanted time to fathom that I had sex with the self-acclaimed Number One Pro-Hero, All Might.

It was as she responded that I heard a bit of commotion and discussion happening in the background. Midnight must be at the agency she works for. "Yeah...about that. What happened last night? Yagi is smiling more than usual, and it's pissing Aizawa off and Hizashi is kind of freaking out."

That...wasn't unnatural for him. Toshinori always smiles; it's like his trademark thing. Smiling. As for Aizawa, I don't think there's a moment in the day where Aizawa doesn't find Toshinori absolutely annoying as Hell as for Yamada...well he was always a mystery to me. "Isn't that normal Midnight? All Might smiles, everyone knows that."

I heard a rustling on the other side and air over the speaker. She must have shaken her head. "No...not like this. Hold on. I'll show you." There was more movement, and the heels of Midnight's outfit clicking as she walked. The commotion I had heard in the background grew louder. I made out the voices of Aizawa, Yamada, and Toshinori. Each talking to each other, but Toshinori's voice sounded slightly different. Loud and booming, obnoxious, but incredibly elated. He sounded excited, at least more so than usual. I heard Midnight call out to him. "All Might! Smile for the camera, I'm sending a picture to Yamane!"

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