Counting Down the Time

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            After my day in ICU, I was transferred back to the room that I had originally occupied before my surgery. It wasn't nearly as painful to move from the room, in fact, I requested to walk there myself. The doctors were compliant with my request feeling that it was in my best interest to let me walk there on my own as an exercise. I had been bed ridden for a few days, and it was certainly beneficial to get my lungs working again.

I made it to the room, but was immediately winded. I sat down on my hospital bed, taking breaths that were weak but deep as I tried to regain the oxygen I had lost from my lungs during the venture. The nurse fretted over me for a bit, but once my breathing was under control, she seemed more comfortable with the situation and less worrisome. I moved to lay in the bed, pleased I had walked to the room myself. I wished that Toshinori could be there to see my efforts, but I knew he was working and protecting so many people. His popularity was gaining and quickly. He hadn't been around at regular times nearly as much, and when I heard from him, it was sporadic. He was getting busier...or...he was losing interest.

No! I shook my head to expel the thoughts from my mind. I wouldn't stand for thinking like that. I was fine. He was just a busy Pro-Hero. He's a popular Pro-Hero. Nothing more! He takes his job seriously and his lack of conversations with me was due to his work and not his desire to break away from me.

My days pressed forward regardless of Toshinori's messages and visits. He did visit occasionally. During one such occasion the doctor was information Toshinori and I that during my radiation and chemotherapy treatments, it was common for patients to lose their hair. He suggested that a cover or wig be purchased, at my discretion of course. After the doctor left, I trembled and cried a bit, panicking and gritting my teeth through my anger and depression at the lose of another part of what was making my pretty to Toshinori.

Toshinori took that with him and I suppose he internalized it because the following day he came to visit me late at night with two beanies, an All Might beanie, and a lavender beanie with a sunflower on it. When he visited, I wasn't really myself, as I had started my chemotherapy and was not entirely feeling well when he visited. I was conscious and lucid, but I felt nauseous and I gave him my pudding cup because I couldn't bring myself to eat it.

He seemed concerned when he took my pudding cup, but he didn't question my motives. He merely set the beanies down, gingerly held my hand in his before taking the pudding cup and eating it. Better he be fueled with strength from chocolate pudding, I'd probably vomit back up anyway. Waste of food if I did that.

I was still growing bored and tired of being in the hospital. I wanted to leave. Considering that Recovery Girl had done some work on me, I thought I would be out of here sooner. Radiation and chemotherapy, then home free. However, they separated the two treatments. A day or so after my chemotherapy, I had started to lose track of time by now, the days slowly beginning to meld together, I had my first radiation treatment. The doctor and I had spoken previously about have an external beam treatment as it would be the most beneficial to ensure that my cancer did not relapse. I agreed.

The doctor entered my room and smiled at me. "Ready for your radiation treatment Yamane?"

I shrugged, I had grown somewhat apathetic from being here too long. I wanted to go back to living with Toshinori. His visits weren't enough and once I was out of the hospital, I was sure my parents would finally leave me be and go back to vacationing and traveling the world. "After this...I can go home?"

The doctor sighed, understanding my impatience as I had been there a while and when he saw me wandering the halls for my walking exercises, could see my jittery nature. "Yamane, an hour or so after your treatment yes, but you will need to return at least once every week for your chemotherapy, and once every day for the next couple of weeks, you can go home, but you need to be back here at least once every day. I need to administer the radiation treatment to your lungs every day for five days for the next few weeks."

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