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            Ever since that evening of Toshinori telling me I was beautiful, I had been feeling slightly more confident that he wasn't going to leave me like in my nightmare. Each day he made it a point to remind me how lovely he found me with texts, kisses, and gentle caresses on my arms the sides of my stomach. However, he did start to worry about my wavering appetite; I was getting smaller and thinner. I knew it was disgusting and probably bothered him greatly, but Toshinori still showed me care and affection all the same. Even when I asked him about it, he told me he saw no problems with my appearance, that I was still as lovely as the day I ran into a burning a building, still as headstrong too.

Thought he showered me with attention and affection, my confidence did start to dwindle. As Toshinori gained in popularity with his declaration of being the Symbol of Peace and Number One Hero, he was around a lot less. He was working harder to save as many as he could, and when he was home, occasionally he would bolt from the house running out to respond to an emergency. It pained me to let him leave in the morning sometimes, but his job was important, very important. He put his heart and soul into being a Pro-Hero, and he loved every second of it, even if it meant that he was putting himself in grave danger.

Today was pretty much the same as any other day. It had been about three months since my surgery, and today when I went in for my chemotherapy, my respiratory therapist told me to start weening myself off the constant use of my oxygen tank. I obliged because I found the stupid thing annoying and bulky.

As I stepped through the door, a waft of chicken hit my nostrils. I closed the door behind me as I heard the booming voice of Toshinori. "Welcome home Sweetheart! How was your appointment?" He came out from the kitchen with a plain white apron on. I had to stifle a laugh at seeing his hulking frame in something so strange as he walked over and bent down to kiss my head.

I snorted at the gesture, getting on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek as I pulled my cannula out of my nose. "Good, I'm supposed to be weening myself off my oxygen tank, so I'm going to try not using it tonight until we go to sleep."

Toshinori watched me nervously before nodding. "All right. I'm making Tonkatsu, you need to eat something hearty than just soups Ayano."

I smirked at him as I moved around him and dragged my tank to the bedroom. "Who are you Babe? My mom? If so, we need to have a long talk about our relationship."

The audible sigh was heard from the bedroom as I carefully walked back into the dining room, making my way to the kitchen. Toshinori glanced down at me with those wonderous, iridescent blue orbs. "Sweetheart?"

I started getting to work making the rice to go with our dinner as he nearly choked and began to worry. He was always worrying that I would hurt myself if I did any cooking on my own. "A-A-Ayano! I-I-I'll take care of it...p-please, rest, y-you're still not well."

I gave a bit of a shrug at that as I continued to work on making the rice. "Making rice isn't going to kill me Babe. I'm feeling pretty all right, not tired of anything. Let me help. I feel useless just sitting there watching you do everything for me. I'm not helpless you know."

He jolted at that, conceding to let me help him finish making dinner. As we cooked, we joked, smiled, shared sweet kisses, and set the table. It happened around when we were both enjoying our tonkatsu that his phone went off. An emergency, I could tell by the glint of excitement in his eyes. He ran from his seat at the table to the bedroom, most likely changing into his hero costume before his zoomed past me and kissed my lips quickly. "Please...please finish dinner Dearest. I'll be home later."

Later never really meant later. About thirty minutes after he left, I had finished my rice and half of my tonkatsu. I put his plate in the microwave to attempt to keep it warm and put the rest of mine in the fridge. Afterwards I went to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath.

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