Not According to Plan

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            I stayed in Toshinori's arms a bit longer, enjoying the comforting feel of security and strength envelope me. Even though he was obnoxious as a hero, it was moments like this where I could learn to love the heroic aspects of him. I snuggled closer to him, not wanting to leave the warmth of his arms around me, but it was better to make the phone call home now rather than later. With a but of a squirm, I started poking Toshinori's chest. "Babe, can you let go for a few minutes? If I'm going to announce my pregnancy to my mother, I might as well do it now."

Toshinori's muscles tensed and then relaxed a bit as his hold upon me slackened. Soon his hands were back on my waist, gentle and tender as to not cause harm or discomfort to me or the baby. Those iridescent oceans were focused on me as he watched my movements and actions. There was a tremble in his left hand before he lifted it from my waist and placed it on my cheek. He was shaking. How could he possibly be nervous about this? He risks his life to save countless people every day and not once have I seen him falter or display a single quiver over those cameras. But here. Here he's shaking like a leaf.

I placed my hand over his in a simple attempt to comfort him before he sighed and pushed my beanie from my head and kissing my forehead gently. "S-S-S-Sorry...just...just nervous."

There was a snort that came from me before I grinned. "I can tell." With a deep breath I took out my phone. "It's going to be okay Babe. Everything will be fine. We're just telling my mom, and she likes you."

Toshinori gave me a nod as he took a deep breath and a slight heroic chuckle came from him but he quickly stifled it. "Sorry...Nerves."

I continued to laugh at him as I shook my head. "You and that damn laugh of yours. We need to get you a better nervousness outlet." I started dialing and put the phone to my ear, hearing the dialing tones and then ringing as it contacted my mother.

After waiting for what felt like a slow-paced, grueling minute, my mother's voice chimed. "Hello? Honey, is everything okay?"

A jolt shot through my body as I realized that my mother had actually picked up the phone. In all honesty, I was kind of hoping that she wouldn't answer the phone. "Y-Yeah. E-Everything's fine Mom. H-How...H-How are you?"

Great. Now I'm nervous. I took a short glance over at Toshinori who was mouthing something to me. 'Why are you stuttering?'

Carefully, I put my hand over the receiver to whisper to the towering man whose lap I was sitting atop. "I...I kind of wasn't expecting her to answer."

There was a quizzical expression on his face as he shifted his eyes to the phone and then to me. "Sweetheart...are you really sure about this?"

I opened my mouth in an attempt to answer before my mother's shrill call prevented me. "Honey? Honey?! Takeo! Something's–"

I immediately put the phone back to my ear and spoke rapidly. "Everything's fine! Everything's fine." I could hear the thundering steps of my father in the background, no doubt he was running to where my mother was. My father...ever the protector of his girls.

There was a second of mumbling, most likely Mom telling Dad that everything was fine and that he didn't need to begin worrying. However, there was no doubt that I could hear my father's irritated statements about my 'fucking bastard' boyfriend not protecting me very well. After those seconds had passed of listening to my parent's mutterings, my mother came back over the line. "You're sure Honey? Why didn't you respond to my question?"

She had asked me a question? Perhaps I was too absorbed in my Adonis boyfriend to realize that my mother was asking me something over the phone. "S-Sorry. I didn't hear your question. All Might was asking me something."

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