Have No Fear

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            The next day was exhausting. After having nearly cried myself to sleep, I woke up to have tests run on me. All these doctors, examining me, doing more strange things. They first one they ran the moment I woke up and started coughing. The doctors came and had me hack up my lungs and blood into a tissue for them to analyze, leaving me in the bed by myself. Fortunately, I had my phone and the T.V., so I turned on the local news and started texting. -Morning Babe-

His response was quick, Toshinori must not have had a good night's rest either, he must have been equally as worried and paranoid as me all night. Or maybe he did sleep well, I mean he finally got to sleep in his bed again after six months. -Good morning Sugarplum!-

I snorted at the new pet name. He was really reaching with all this crap. Certainly the dumbest but sweetest guy I'd been with. -Sugarplum? That one's new. Why is it always sweets with you?-

His response made me relax as I continued to laugh. -There is nothing wrong with enjoying something sweet every now and then.-

He was such an idiot. He left too many openings for me. -You have yet to partake in my sweets-

Toshinori was not as quick with this message as he had been with the previous ones, which meant I caught him off-guard. Good. I could just imagine the blush on his face. The tips of his ears getting red as his toned and tanned skin turned a bright red. He was easily embarrassed for someone who was quickly gaining fame from the populace. Either way, it was fun to tease him.

My phone took me out of my thoughts as it dinged with another message. -You're in top form this morning. I hope you're feeling a bit better. I want to see you after work.-

That...made me blush. How was I supposed to respond to that? He wanted to see me? He was always so nice and sweet. He could catch me off with the stupidest of statements. Sometimes it was really aggravating how easily he could throw me off my game. I sighed in embarrassment as I gave a minute to process before responding. -I'll be waiting to see you Toshi-

I wasn't lying. It wasn't like I was going anywhere, and on top of that, this time around, I thought I would make Toshinori's life a little easier by staying in one place. I could wait it out for him to come here after he finishes 'work.' Not like his work ever really ends though. He's always working hard to save the people and protect everyone. He really was gaining in popularity. His appearance, his form, his physique, his kindness. Everything about him oozed the hero personality and the standard comic book hero style. He was a classic and classy hero...if not a bit showman-like.

Either way, I would wait, and as a did, not a few hours into watching the news following one of my new hero friends Eraserhead, the doctors came in. "Yamane, we have the results from your sputum cytology exam."

I groaned as I saw Eraserhead jump from a building down to catch a villain at large. I could barely make out the figure of All Might as I gave a side glare at the doctors and went back to the T.V. "My what now?"

"Your sputum cytology exam Yamane. We were analyzing your phlegm from this morning. The results are still showing that you have Stage I Squamous Cell Lung Cancer, so we would like to go ahead and do a bronchoscopy." The doctor was simple as he attempted to stand between me watching All Might land on the ground with ease. I smiled gently as I watched him before the doctor cut me off from watching.

I glared up at him with a groan before entering a coughing fit and barely getting out. "A what now?"

The doctor turned the T.V. off as he spoke to me directly. "A bronchoscopy. It will allow us to get a better look at your tumors and decide the right course of action for you."

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