Eavesdropping on Advice

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I laid there in the bed as Yagi had instructed me to do. It was kind of boring. I mean, just laying here...doing nothing. Did he really expect me to stay on this bed the entire time he was gone? What if I had to use the restroom? What if I got bored and decided to go watch TV? My gashes weren't so impending upon my life that I couldn't move. I didn't even get hit in the leg. I could walk just fine. Overreacting.

Still I laid there, placing a hand gingerly to the wrap job he did on my neck. It was tight, but not too tight. Just snug against my neck, almost as if he'd wrapped injuries before. I wouldn't be surprised if he had, he's working as a pro-hero after all. He probably gets a few beatings and bruises himself. I thought about that a moment, imagining Yagi injured or hurt. As I did so, I bit my lip without thinking. Yagi...hurt...injured...I didn't want to imagine such a thing. If anything, I would want to protect him.

I gave a snort at that thought. Me? Protecting the up and rising star All Might? Doubtful. I'm just Quirkless me, but that was okay. I could still attempt to protect other people. At the moment though I wasn't protecting anyone. I was confined to a bed, so declared the master of the house Yagi. What a weird name...Yagi...

I grinned as I pulled my phone out. I stared at it a moment before flipping it open and going to my contacts. At the very top of my contact list was All Might. I had entered him into my phone as All Might, but now that I knew his name was Yagi, I might as well change it. I clicked it, going to edit his contact information from All Might to Yagi. I nimbly did this and once I was done, I stared at the contact.

I was bored. Did he expect me to not be? Hm...perhaps if I asked...I sent a simple message. -Can I move from the bed to go watch TV?-

The response came a minute or two later. I was guessing he would say yes considering he told me I wasn't to do anything straining or taxing on my body. However, I was too hopeful. -No, stay in the bed and rest. You're injured.-

That was an irritating response. Did he really expect me to stay in this stupid bed?! I have a cut on my neck and a small puncture wound in my right shoulder, big deal. I could still move around and walk. This irritating man! I ground my teeth firmly before going straight to his contact information and calling him.

A few rings passed, allowing for my anger at the situation of being sentenced to prison on his stupid bed to boil. Finally, he answered with a hushed tone. "C-Civilian Yamane? Are you all right?"

I growled into the receiver. "Yagi! I am going to go to the living room! Do you seriously expect me to stay in the damn bed the entire time until you get back? Do you have any idea how boring that is?!"

I heard mumbling and a bit of motion before he replied to me with a continued hushed tone. "Civilian Yamane please. You stayed in the hospital no problem. I'll move you into the living room when I get back if you want to watch TV. Let your wounds heal."

This was so aggravating. "My legs aren't broken dip! I'm able to walk! Why am I even asking you for permission?!" I started crawling out of his bed, still holding the phone to my ear.

I heard his breath and a slight tinge of panic as I assume he heard me moving. The whisper suddenly got a bit louder. "C-Civilian Yamane p-please."

I protested, I was not some pampered poodle for this idiot pro-hero. "No! Yagi, listen here, I am not going to sit in bed like I'm some little pet for your –"

I heard footsteps as someone walked over and I heard a muffled voice. "Who you talking to All Might?"

I could hear the flustered panic in Yagi's voice as he replied, putting his hand over the receiver. "N-N-No one! N-N-No one at all! J-J-Just c-c-checking the n-news for more...m-more c-c-crimes for me to stop!" He gave that hideous and grating laugh as he spoke with the other person.

I sat on the other end, at this point just eavesdropping as I made my way to the living room and sat down on Yagi's couch to watch TV. I barely could make out the other person's voice now as they spoke. "Then why were you talking into the phone? Hard to check the news if you're not looking at it and whispering at it?" I thought I heard the footsteps get closer as they spoke again but at a whisper.

I couldn't make out what the person said, it was too muffled and sounded more like mumbling. However, I could certainly hear and did hear Yagi's panicked response. He sounded flustered, confused, and from the sounds that I made out, most likely red in the face. "N-N-N-No!" The laugh came back. He was nervous. "I-I-I-I don't h-h-have a g-g-g-girlfriend!"

I blushed at that last part, but it panged at me as well. He didn't have a girlfriend...which was somewhat delightful to hear, but then...what was I? A girl who happened to live in his house? Well...I wasn't making out with him or anything. No hand holding, so we weren't dating. It was fair to say I wasn't, but...why did that bother me?

The other person started laughing hysterically. "All Might, chill! Can you get any more red?" A holler sounded. I assumed he was calling for someone else to come over. "All Might, if it wasn't a girlfriend, then would you even be that embarrassed? Honestly?"

I was rapt with listening now. I didn't even bother turning the TV on since the conversation on the phone was more enthralling to me. What would he say? How would he respond? "S-S-She isn't m-m-my...g-g-girlfriend. S-S-She's a c-c-civilian I'm...h-helping at the m-moment. S-She's staying at my h-home."

A whistle. Was the person he was talking to whistling. "All Might, you have a girl staying at your place? That's unheard of for you. You're pretty reclusive with all your working out and disappearing acts." I practically could imagine the grin on this person's face. "You like her, don't you?"

The phone was in his hand, did he even remember that I was on the other end? Did he know I was listening? Perhaps he assumed I hung up? I pressed the phone close to my ear, waiting for his reply. "Y-Yes...I-I-I do l-like her...she's a good friend!"

Really Yagi? I groaned and sighed but I wasn't the only one. I made out a similar sound over the phone. The person he was talking to must have done the same. "All Might, your face is beet red and you are going to tell me that you only like this girl as a friend?"

There was hesitation. Was he nervous again? He wasn't laughing like before. Perhaps his nerves were gone? "I-I-I don't know...t-this is new to me..."

I hesitated with the phone in my hands. What...what did that even mean? This was new to him? What was new to him? I needed to keep listening. This was better than any soap opera some cheesy housewife could suggest to me. "New to you? Well, what would you like to do with this 'civilian?'"

I blushed bright red at that. What was this person insinuating?! I'm definitely not that kind of woman! I guess Yagi went the same route I did as I could hear that defensive tone. The aggressive and gruff one he had used when he was reprimanding me. "N-Nothing indecent! Never! I-I-I think...I-I-I'd just like...to...I-I-I don't know! J-Just drop it! T-T-This has nothing to do with work at all!"

I cursed my luck. Of course he'd avoid it. It's like him looking at me. He avoids that too. I nearly hung up before I heard Yagi speak again. "I don't know what to say to her..."

Things got quieter and hard to hear. I could make out Yagi speaking with this person, but I wasn't sure what they were talking about. The last thing I heard was "Just try it, maybe it'll work." Before the footsteps went away.

At that, I realized that Yagi would most likely look down at his phone to see if I was still on the other end. What if I was? What would he do? I quickly hung up and slammed the phone on my couch, thinking about what Yagi had said. I was confused. Did he like me as a friend? Did he not like me at all? Did he like me as more than a friend? Where was I sitting in his mind and why couldn't he tell me?

I sat there in confusion and contemplation. I guess I'd just have to wait to bombard him with questions when he got back. Granted that would probably have to come after my lecture from him about moving. I'd just have to wait.

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