Overdoing It

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            The house was absolutely lovely, not just on the exterior but the interior as well. However, the beauty of the interior was overshadowed by stacks of unpacked boxes in particular rooms and disorganized furniture with no rhyme or reason for being in the location it was in. At least everything was in its appropriate rooms though.

I started my exploration of the house in the front hallway, a set of stairs in front of me, a closet towards the back with boxes stacked in under the stairs, an archway to the left and an archway to the right. I took the right archway and found a large box that did not look like it had been clumsily packed by the large hands of my hulking boyfriend. No...this looked like it came from a store. As I examined it while getting closer, I noticed that it was a desk. "Babe? What's this for?"

Toshinori came up behind me, towering over me while placing a gently hand on my uninjured shoulder. "That's a desk Sweetheart."

He thought he was clever a funny, didn't he? "I can see that Toshinori. Why is it here?"

I felt the jolt go through him when the hand that rested on my shoulder jolted. "I...thought you'd like an office, on that could overlook a nice garden. You'll need a place to work on business stuff for your store. I didn't really have a desk for you, so I bought one."

He really was considerate. I guess the present of a desk and the thoughtfulness of my store were enough to make-up for a snide obvious answer to my earlier question. I placed my hand tenderly over his, displaying a small show of affection and appreciation for him. "Thank you." I was truly thankful and happy as two massive arms wrapped around me carefully and hugged me with such a show of tenderness. As though I was a breakable object.

Once they released me, a hand found the small of my back and guided me towards the large window in the room. "Come on Sweetest, I want you to see the garden space I picked out for you. Y-You can change it of course...I don't know much about gardening sadly."

I snorted at that last remark. "Not sadly Babe, I think you should be saying thankfully. I can't even imagine a man of your size selling flowers. You might frighten people. You're much better suited to being a Pro-Hero."

With that remark, I glanced out the window to see the little area that Toshinori had put sticks in to designate my 'garden' in the yard. As I looked out the window though, a quick motion caught my attention. A bounce of dark brown and a quick hand soaring through the air on the other side of the fence. A jolt went through me, but suppressing it as to not alert the overprotective hero, I took a breath and smirked. "I'm not sure about this spot yet. I'll have to wander around the yard a bit." I patted my hand against his expansive, muscular chest. "You did good for now." With that one motion, I went back to my exploration, passing around Toshinori to explore the other areas of the house. There was a hallway connected to this one, so I made my way to the archway that led to a back hallway. There were sliding doors leading to a lovely back porch that overlooked a lusciously green backyard.

Unconsciously, I rested a hand on my stomach staring out into this backyard. Toshinori walking up behind me with rather loud steps. "Ayano? Everything okay?"

I gave a short nod, my beanie bobbing down a bit as I pushed it back up from out of my eyes. "Yeah, just...enjoying the backyard. It's nice. Big enough for you and the sunspot to play in I'd say."

With that statement, I gave a side-glance over to the bulking, muscly man I loved to catch a goofy, sweet smile on his face. He was so happy. However, my thoughts of how stupid and idiotic but sickeningly adorable he looked were interrupted when I heard muffled whispers and a loud call of "Tsukasa! Come on, please! Just tell me!" People. Great. Assholes ruined the moment.

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