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            The day pressed on, my parents staying with me through my disgusting tears. My mother rubbed my back with soothing, small circles while I coughed and cried. The combination of my salty tears and irony blood being a wonderful combination. Once the tears ceased though, I turned my full attention to my parents. "Mom, Dad...thank you but...but c-can I have some time t-to myself?"

My father took a sharp inhale as he focused those old, grey eyes on me. "Are you sure Aya...?"

I was about to nod when the feeling of my mother's hand on my back moved to give a reassuring squeeze to my shoulder. Glancing over, I saw her stare at my father with intensity as she stood up. "Takeo, Ayano has a lot to deal with right now. If she wants us to leave her be for a bit, we should give her that space." As she said this, she kissed the top of my head and went over to my father, practically dragging him out of the room.

Finally...solitude. I was alone with my terrible thoughts once more. The contemplation of what happened earlier; my thoughts filling with the image of Toshinori standing abruptly and leaving the room once I had woken up. That horrible feeling I had in my chest when he left returned as I took a shaky gasp of air and the weird noodle in my nose shot air through my nostrils.

I gave a wince as I fidgeted with the tube connected to me. Well...this was probably the start of the downward spiral of my appearance. If I wasn't already self-conscious...this really isn't helping me. I groaned as I leaned back into my hospital bed doing the only thing I really could do here, turn on the T.V.

I had to switch and change channels from whatever Toshinori had left it on last night. I guess I had fallen asleep before him because the channel it was on was not the channel I remembered watching with him last night. Anyway, channels flicked by until I was on the news coverage. Immediately I was assaulted with images and videos of All Might. I guess he had done something incredible, saved more people. He really was an amazing, nice guy. A smile graced my lips as I watched him on the screen but...there was something off about his appearance.

As I sat up from the bed, I focused on the screen, staring directly at every image of All Might they were putting up from what he had gotten into today. That's when I saw it. Those wonderful, oceans of blue were...angry. Toshinori looked pissed off. The grin was still on his face, that stupid laugh of his was still going, but his eyes...they looked irritated about something.

All Might Toshinori was actually angry about something? Why was he so pissed off? Did the villain he was fighting do something? What happened? Toshinori was always chipper and friendly, if not boisterous, exuberant, and loud when he was acting as All Might. So why was All Might pissed?

The questions enveloped my mind as I tried to search for an answer. I'd known Toshinori for a while and I knew that All Might and him were, to a degree, very separate identities to him. So, All Might grinning while his eyes filled with anger? That just didn't seem right to me. I could find the answer, I thought and thought, but nothing was coming to mind, so...I yanked my phone out and began to type. Once I had finished, I hesitated before pushing send. -Toshi?-

The response wasn't quick; he was most likely saving people and being a hero. However, I soon got a message in return. -Yes Sweetheart?-

-Are you okay? I just saw you on T.V. and you look pissed off.- I was nervous and I could really think of a clever statement to through him off-guard or to relax him except a cheesy pun of his name. I digressed and added in -I just want to make sure that my hero All Might is All Right?- I groaned at my idiocy and how stupid that probably sounded but sent it anyway, thinking that knowing Toshinori, he'd find some silly amusement in it.

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