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            After having been thrown for a loop with Yagi picking me up like that...I decided to buy that outfit and another one I tried on and those was pretty comfortable. It was a nice pleated skirt with a cute lavender tank-top to match with it. Cute...maybe he'd find that cute? Not that it really mattered if he found it cute or not because I thought it was cute nonetheless.

Anyway, I asked the woman at the register as I was buying my clothes if I could wear the outfit that Yagi liked out of the store. She agreed to let me, considering I paid for it, and let me go on my merry way. At least, not before stopping me to ask, "You spoke with All Might, what was that like? Did you really walk right into danger?"

I just stared at her, baffled and confused. "Yeah...I did. I was going to buy clothes. I wasn't going to wait for some hero to finish fighting, especially with the clothes I was wearing."

The woman grinned from ear to ear. "I-I'm kind of glad you did. T-To have All Might, come into this shop? Amazing! I can't wait to tell my friends! I should have gotten an autograph."

I gave a small groan as I just sort of nodded at her. "Uh...yeah..." I shrugged and left her to her fangirling. I didn't really want to continue the conversation. Yagi was really gaining in popularity. I guess it comes with the territory of working as a Pro-Hero. He was a good one, I would give him that. Even if he did rescue people who were fine on their own. His heart was always in the right place.

Anyway, I carried Yagi's clothes home and left the store. I made my way to the train station once more, getting on and riding back to the house I was staying in. I was going to need to start looking for work soon if I was ever going to be able to live on my own again. I sat and thought about that as people around me started jittering and talking about today's crisis and what the heroes did to 'save the day.' Nonsense. People are so annoying sometimes.

I remained quiet as I flipped my phone out and looked to see if I had any messages. There was one message from Yagi. -I'm 7'2", comes with the territory.-

I gave a short snicker as I replied to his message. -How can you even be that tall? Part of your Quirk?-

It was silent a moment before my phone buzzed with Yagi's response. It was a simple message. -Yes.- Interesting. Not only did his Quirk make him strong, but it made him larger than most people. Well, I guess that makes sense. I smiled to myself. All these people around me, idolizing All Might and other heroes, and here I was sitting on the train with them, messaging All Might about his height and carrying his clothes back to his home so I could take my clothes out to dry. Idiot people. Putting their heroes on pedestals.

I shrugged as I got to my feet and went to the door to leave when the doors allowed for passengers to exit. I started walking back to Yagi's home, thinking of all the different ways that I could embarrass him by wearing my new outfit and being flirtatious. He was always so awkward, but earlier...I wrapped my arms around my sides remembering back to when he lifted me up off the ground and held me. I wasn't expecting him to do something like that. It was so...unique for him. So...different.

I shook my head, my dirty blonde hair getting in my face as I pushed it out of the way. Yagi's home coming into my sight as I walked up to the door and stepped inside. I called out. "Hello? Yagi, you home?"

There was no response. I guess he wasn't home from his work day yet. That left me time to finish what I needed to. I went to the back, dropped his clothes that I wore out into the hamper and my new clothes, after removing the tags. I then went to the washing machine, took the clothes out and went to the clothes line he had outside and started hanging up the clothes to dry.

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