Getting Recognized

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            It took a bit for the press and media to stop scouting around Breathing Pollen. Toshinori and I hid out inside, waiting for them to finally leave and take our opportunity to escape and go home where they couldn't harass him. That opportunity presented itself when they started shouting something about Endeavor and ran off.

We both left the shop, Toshinori holding the door for me and even locking up the shop before turning to take my head and walk me home. However, the moment he reached for my hand as we walked, I jerked it away. I could see the hurt and pain in those mesmerizing blue gems as he gave me a quizzical look. "A-Ayano...?"

He sounded so unsure. Did he seriously not realize or take note of the fact that he was still in costume? I gave a weak sigh, straining my lungs a bit more than I should have as I glanced up into those endless blues. "Babe, you're still in costume, and we're in public. Do you really want the press to come back? Why don't you go ahead of me and hurry into the house? That way no one will be the wiser."

Toshinori reached to take my hand once more, but I again jerked it away. He seemed a bit dejected before he nodded and leapt into the air a bit away from me, heading home the fastest route he knew. I, on the other hand, preferred to walk. I made my way at a leisurely pace, not in any particular hurry and hoping that the neighbor woman, Nadeshiko, wouldn't be outside to annoy, pester, and judge me again...or outside to see Toshinori get home.

With a shake of my head, I banished the thought, continuing to walk and take in the sights of the area. Toshinori really did pick a nice spot, if only he had chosen something a bit more...secluded. Perhaps it wouldn't be so troublesome. He probably didn't think that far ahead; his excitement does get the better of him if the baby room that is already set up isn't evidence enough of that.

A sigh, gentle this time since my lungs were always so tender nowadays. The house was coming into view. I noticed a light was on in the living room, signaling to me that my hulking boyfriend had indeed beaten me home and hopefully changed as I requested. I opened the gate to let myself into the yard when I noticed the black-haired Nadeshiko making her way to her side of the fence. A jolt went through me at the sight of her, and I tried desperately to pretend I hadn't seen her.

However, her determination to ruin my peace was stronger than my gumption to ignore her existence and enter my home. "Yag...Yamane!"

I tensed and turned, forcing an awkward smile on my face. Through the grinding and gritting of my teeth I replied. "Oh...Kiraga...h-hey." I sounded so apathetic. Would she pick up the hint or was the woman too dense to realize I wanted nothing to do with her.

Nadeshiko smiled brightly before shifting her gaze down to the ground. "S-Sorry about earlier. Tsukasa explained to me that I may have come off as brash and offensive."

The bubbling swell of emotions. Must stifle urge to be bitch..."You think?" Shit...

Nadeshiko's head shot up, her neck stretching a bit with her Quirk, as her dark brown eyes fixated on me. "W-What?"

Well, I started...might as well finish it. "Look, you are loud. You are annoying. You got into my business, questioning me and assuming things about me, and when I tell you that their wrong, I'm the villain. I'm the bad guy. Look, I don't give a shit if you think the fact that I am pregnant and not married is a problem! I'm happy as I am!"

She just...stared at me. Her eyes twinkling with confusion and...something else. I couldn't quite figure it out. I heard a door click and heavy footsteps come from behind me. "Sweetheart?"

Toshinori. Great...this is going to make me look terrible in front of him. Well...not like he didn't know what he was signing up for. I faced him and sighed. "Sorry Babe, it's nothing." I put my hand on his expansive chest, pushing lightly as a gesture of my desire to go inside.

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