Popping Questions

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            I turned around to see my hulking, 7'2" boyfriend grinning bombastically at my parents and me. My eyes remained focused on him; I was in complete disbelief that he was even here. One would think that a Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace such as him would have more important matters to deal with than coming to his girlfriend's aide while she is having an argument with her father. Yet here he was...I'd have to remind him about prioritizing later tonight when this whole matter was said and done.

As I was lost in the gleaming view of my idiotic, hero boyfriend, I was reminded that my parents were still present and that my father was still pissed. "You." was the only word I heard from behind me. It was a low, guttural growl. Almost like my father was going wild from his rage.

I jolted at the sound of my father's voice from behind me. My nerves were already shot from having basically cussed him out earlier for the shit he was saying about Toshinori, and now that Toshinori was here, it wasn't going to help the situation. I peered up into those perfect blue oceans, only to see that enigmatic persona of All Might grinning proudly back at me before his focused turned to my father. "Yes! Me! How can I be of assistance to you Citizen? It seems you are having a public dispute and causing quite a ruckus! Don't you think it better to have such talks in your home?"

I immediately went from loving the fact that Toshinori was here, to dreading the fact that Toshinori was here. With a swift glance over my shoulder, I could see that my father was fuming with anger and Toshinori was merely fanning that flame with the response that he had just given him. This was not going to end well for anyone.

My father started taking steps forward, lifting his hand and in turn, small rocks and pebbles rose into the air. "I swear to God I will fucking end you, you damned fucking bastard!"

Panic swept through me. If my father declared such a thing, and in public, and then immediately attacked Toshinori, he would be labeled a villain for sure. While that may not be far from the truth, I wasn't going to take that chance. I quickly spun on my heel, placing a hand on my stomach, nauseated by the swift movement, then stood in front of Toshinori. "Stop!"

That's when my mother's voice caught my attention. "Takeo..." She sounded calm and I glanced over to her as she walked towards my father and rested a hand on his shoulder. "No need to go attacking a hero who is just trying to help. That won't make you feel any better than you are feeling right now. Come on, let's head to Ayano's home and discuss matters there."

I was stunned. I didn't think my mother would take the uptake of what was going on, nor did I think that she would actually help the situation by stopping Dad. I thought she would just get all sorts of excited that All Might was here and declare to the world that her daughter was dating All Might and having his kid. Instead, she was keeping a level head. At least someone was.

I lowered my guard, still keeping one hand rested on my stomach. I could feel the presence of Toshinori behind me, and I could have sworn I felt a hand tremble behind me as it ghosted my back in a feeble attempt to reach around me and place his hand over mine. However, the hand's presence left my back as Toshinori took a step back from us. "Well, it seems everything is under control here. Stay well Citizens! Please try not to have arguments and disputes in public! It disturbs the Peace!" With that, I heard that dreaded obnoxious laugh of his, which got a wince out of me as he left jumped into the air, leaving us standing there.

My mother was now standing next to my father, a gentle hand placed on his forearm. The rocks and pebbles that were once in the air were on the ground again as my father stopped using his Quirk. "Come along Takeo. Let's go see what Ayano's home looks like."

I was nervous about even going any further with this idea, let alone showing my parents where I was staying and that fact that the house I was staying in was one that I was sharing with Toshinori. Either way, that was the only option to go with, so I lead my parents back to the house.

On the walk back, my mother moved to walking beside me, having left my father's side so he could angrily grumble in peace. Once she was beside me, she gave me a reassuring smile. "He has good timing."

Good timing? I stared at her confused, not entirely sure who she was talking about. "Um...who Mom?"

She continuedly to smile at me before turning her attention up towards the sky. "You're boyfriend. He has good timing."

"Oh...yeah...he really does." She wasn't wrong. Toshinori did have good timing. He always seemed to know just when I needed him.

We continued walking, making our way past other houses and apartment buildings before arriving at my home. My parents made no comments about the exterior, and I was fortunate that when we arrived at home, the strange neighbors weren't about. I led my parents inside with no trouble, guiding them directly to the living room.

As they entered the house, my mother was taking everything in. Her green eyes were scanning everything, taking in every sight, object, knick-knack in the room. After a moment she gave a loving smile. "This is a nice home, Cupcake. A great place to have a child."

There was a scoff coming from next to her as my father sat down on the couch, keeping his pissed off look and crossing his arms. "Yeah, that's if hero boy lets her stay in this house with him. As if that bastard would raise a fucking kid. He's a hero who is stringing our daughter along Mika!"

The irritation from my earlier outburst started to bubble up again. I could feel the flare of anger rising as I placed a hand soothingly on my stomach in hopes of calming myself. I opened my mouth to respond to my father's statement, but was beaten to it by my mother who smiled over at him. "Now Takeo, you're just saying that because you don't like him. You don't know that for sure."

Was my mother trying to be the middle ground mediator about this whole situation? I watched as my father glared at her. It was something uncommon as my father tried very hard never to yell or argue with my mother, at least not in front of me. However, he did before rolling his eyes and looking away from her. "Right, because a hero is going to make time for our daughter! Mika! Heroes don't want to shack up with Quirkless people. We know that! Heroes are all about keeping power."

That...that kind of stung. I mean yeah, I'm Quirkless, but did that truly make me powerless. The hand that was on my abdomen began to move in soothing motions as I contemplated this. I didn't want to admit that such a thing as my child being Quirkless would be a reality. However, it wasn't impossible, I was Quirkless, my mother was Quirkless. It was very likely that my poor child would be too.

I began to open my mouth to respond to that. To try and defend that Toshinori didn't care about such things. That even if my child was Quirkless, it would still be loved and that Toshinori would stay by my side the entire time. But I was cut off. I was cut off by the sound of someone coming through the doorway unannounced and saying one thing as they entered the house. "I'm not someone who would do that."

My eyes quickly shot from staring down at my stomach to the archway into the leaving room. Standing there, in street clothes and his messy liquid-sun locks all disheveled, was Toshinori. He walked over to me, gingerly placing his hand over mine. "If that is what I wanted...I wouldn't do this..."

The moment that followed didn't really seem real. Everything seemed confusing. Toshinori took my hand that was resting on my stomach in his large calloused one and lowered himself to one knee, kissing my hand. I know he said something, and he was looking up at me...expectantly. I also remember my father yelling and screaming and DVDs, pillows, and other small objects in the room being thrown about by my father's Quirk. That whole moment...didn't really seem real to me. It didn't feel real. I wish I knew what Toshinori had asked...and I wish I had responded. Those wonderous, endless blues seemed to hurt...when I remained quiet.

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