Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Unholy guacamole- how did you know?", Barry's eyes were saucers as he stared at the three demons.

Drawing his brows together in a near-grimace, Damian stated in a 'no-shit-Sherlock' tone, "The news."

Allowing Damian and Raven to deal with the formalities of introducing their relevance to the JLA (well, those of the Justice League that were actually there), Adyn kept his sights on the weapon sitting in front of Batman. To no avail, Adyn attempted to coax a rosy curl behind his ear, squinting as to better view the details of the gun-like object.

"What do you know about these weapons?- I have never seen anything like them.", Wonderwoman spoke, and it took a moment for Adyn to realise that she'd been addressing him.

A tad jumpy, Adyn's eyes slammed up  to the Amazon's before darting to his sister's (seeking assurance that it would be fine to divulge this information). Clearing his throat, the demon tried not to think of all the powerful people waiting to listen to what he said: all their eyes on him, all judging, waiting for him to mess up because he's a failure to the name of Wra-No! Shut up! Shut up! Adyn pushed the darkness out of his mind, concentrating on the object whilst willing his sister or her friend to take control.

Sensing her brother's unease, Raven stepped in, suggesting, "A closer look would be helpful.", even though she could already feel the magic of the object.

The three of them now closer, the waves of power omitted by the weapon were overbearingly strong, warring with their dark, demonic magic. And just as Raven and Damian had suspected, there, imprinted on the side of the gun was a seal.

Noticing the look of confirmation that passed over his son's face, Batman said, "You know what this is."

It wasn't a question.

Looking up, Robin stated, "Light magic.", expanding, he offhandedly gestured to the weapon. "It's powered by light magic- to an extent, it is light magic: the crystals embedded in to the frame; the magic infused in to the metal; the seal by the trigger. All light magic." Damian bit back a snarl, "It's repulsive."

"So it isn't related to...", Hal trailed off, not knowing how to be inoffensive.

Raven perked up, almost scoffing, "To us? Not in the least. There isn't a trace of Dark magic in that thing- it reeks of purity.", she shuddered as a strong wave of magic drifted through the air.

Somehow, the demoness felt that Damian's father was relieved by the news, though his stony countenance revealed nothing. Batman and the others continued to shove questions in their direction, the gravity of the situation not lost upon anyone.

"Do you know who could be behind this!", Clark, arms folded, asked. "Because by the sounds of things, humans didn't make these guns."

Damian and Raven were at one of those points again: ought they tell the entire tale to the JLA, or not, was the matter at hand. Adyn had obtained knowledge of their investigations in to the Council a few days prior, however, he thought Damian and Raven were best served to deal with the problem until they needed him. That being said, Adyn was engulfed in the significant exchange of looks as they decided on the next course of action.

Having taken a moment to deliberate the matter (which caused a flare of suspicion among the Leaguers), Raven began on behalf of the three of them, "We believe this could be the workings of the Council and or a group within..."

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