Welp, we're here again.

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God, I hate my brain. I get started with one idea and Bam! Here comes another! Jesus. Not to mention my indecisive nature often leads to me sitting here for days, so screw it, throwing this out here for the reason of "I suck at making some decisions, so I am asking strangers on the internet."

Anyway, I better get to the point.

So I began watching Fate/Apocrypha and the cogs in my head began turning. So now, here I am with a decision on my hand. So, here it is.

1: I continue one course, and I do the Shirou Son story. (And the Artificer one.)


2: I make a Fate/Apocrypha x Male reader story, following the events of the anime with a different ending possibly.

So this is what is going through my head. It does help honestly, so please, do vote.

(I want to quickly say that I am asking what I should kinda do first, cause I will do all of this, just kinda a "in what order." I guess.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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