Defying Instruction

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        Returning home seemed simple at first glance, little did Anzu know it would be one of the busiest times of her life. Upon arrival, Anzu stayed her last three nights in Bakugou's dorm. Unfortunately for her, the new dorm she was given brought up some bad memories. Every wall, including the closets and window shades were white. The matress was white, the sheets were white, everything. She took many things from the dorm with color that wouldn't be missed, such as old shirts, books, pillows, but no matter how much odd color she put in it, the white still caved in. Suffocating, just like always. It took her a couple nights to get used to it, resulting in more sleep loss. Overall, she was at least happy to be out of Bakugou's way. It did bother her that she saw him less, but it couldn't be helped. She ignored the fact that going to bed felt a little colder now. No entertainment, just white and complete solitude. She shut all the thoughts out of her brain, tried not to think of it. Another problem at hand was she was making no income. She was nearly down to the bone with soap and had no money for an alarm clock. Before the school year started up again, she made a resolve to bring it up to Aizawa. As guilty as she felt.

"An outfit?" Anzu asked, scoffing at the odd statement. She didn't crawl her way out of a white hell hole to put on a colorful costume and jump around. Aizawa stared at her coldly, his patience diminishing quickly.

"It doesn't have to be exciting. Hell it doesn't even have to look cool, it just has to help the function of your quirk and hide you're identity somewhat." He grumbled, pulling references up online. She knew this was going to be a big part of being a hero. But something about it kept her awake at night. She hated the fact that she was committing to her permanent name. An outfit people would recognize her for, see in news articles, among other things. Aizawa handed her a registration form. How was she going to pick a name of all things? There wasn't anything catchy that related to nerves. She could go with the cliche eye, but that wouldn't leave an impression. Everyone's names were so unique. If someone called out Ground Zero out on the street, she'd wonder what they meant. The worst part of it all was she had no one to talk about it to. She had to make all the quirk adaptations herself, seeing as it was still a secret. Anzu respected Aizawa more than anyone could know, but the silence was beginning to feel crushing. Especially when someone she cares about is beginning to doubt her devotion. She had been thinking about it for several days. Building up her confidence for this one question. She had to ask, she truly wanted it. She couldn't do this by herself anymore. Doing this was holding her back. Anzu straightened her back and held her chin high.

"Aizawa!" She said, a little too forcefully. "I have a request to make! And I know what you're answer will be but I thought I'd try anyway." He nodded to her and she took a deep breath. "Sir, I've learned first hand that doing everything by yourself is irrational. Especially when it comes to event's that could effect the rest of your life. So... that being said I wanted to ask for you to allow me one confidant." She finished, finally meeting his glare. It did't take him one second to think.

"Absolutely not." With those simple words, she could feel her confidence dying as quickly as it came. She had gone too far this time, it was evident in the finality of his voice.
"Could I ask you to reconsider?" She asked but knew it was no use. She was wasting his time. "You are okay with the fact that more villains know about my quirk than allies? What does that say about the school's communication?" Anzu stated, practically spitting in the grave she was digging.

"Need I remind you whose fault the incident was? We already have a league of people that know. I don't think one more is necessary." It was final. The tone of voice, the look in his eyes, it wasn't happening. Anzu saved her sigh in her lungs, refusing to leave. She excused herself hoarsely, hoping he didn't see her obvious disappointment. Her admiration for him slid a bit. She disliked the fact he blamed her entirely for the villain attack. Yes it was her fault, but to use the guilt against her was... uncalled for. Then again perhaps she was just being childish. As she walked out she felt a scratch in her throat. She hadn't felt it for years. She couldn't decide if Aizawa being angry with her or the fact she had to face her training utterly alone was more terrifying. She wanted to go home and bury her face in her comforter. And then there was the costume application. And her name. Her head buzzed with the hundreds of things it seemed she had to do. She didn't know how susceptible she was to stress until she encountered it.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now