The New Generation Of Heroes

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"Aizawa! Villains are!......... Anzu?"

Aizawa shook his head as if to clear it and stared directly at Bakugou, putting a hand up to tell him to wait with his further questions. Anzu looked directly towards him, then back to Bakugou tightening the grip on her hilt. If villains are already here.... we don't have time to waste with introductions. She thought, all three of them sharing the same glances and knowing exactly what had to be done without any communication between the group. Aizawa stood up and nodded to the both of them before stepping out of the door, the two following directly behind him eventually breaking into a run towards the main dormitory complex. Anzu watched the bright light paneling through the hallway, determination settling into her stomach.

"We can't waste time. Anzu we're going to need your help, you and Bakugou are a good team. Stick together." He said, and the two exchanged glances, their faces breaking into tiny smirks mirroring each other. It had been so long. They had met a year ago.... the year was coming to a close. Summer was upon them. Their careers were coming. But they would conquer together... they had grown so accustomed to each other that they had become a unit, unintentionally or otherwise. Aizawa smiled to himself as well.... and he felt in the pit of his stomach. The league of villains will fall here.

Bakugou burst into the courtyard to be greeted by the entirety of his class, suited up and staring... Staring wide eyed at the gaping horde of villains that had shown up on their doorstep. There wasn't one face in the entire crowd that didn't look the least bit discouraged or angry, which seemed to damped his spirit a bit. He didn't know how they collected numbers so quickly, especially when he and Anzu had taken out more than half their ranks when they had attacked their base in the woods. They had clearly been busy creating as many Nomu as possible for this one fight. He shook his head, not caring, knowing that this simply meant more fighting. People would get hurt... there were pro heroes, but not many, maybe three or four. He felt it was ironic that most of them were at Anzu's court hearing. Each student was matched one person to five. The odds were so far against them, Bakugou almost took a step back. If they lost, students could even be killed. U.A.'s reputation will go to trash, on top of Anzu the other people I care about could die. I wouldn't be able to live with myself... I can't- Anzu intertwined her fingers into his and gripped him tight. She smiled and pointed to her left, gesturing for him to follow with his eyes. He didn't know what she wanted, but he still followed her gaze through the crowd of people... and saw them.

"Look." She said, her grin growing ten fold as a group appeared next to 1-A. Bakugou nearly did a double take, his jaw setting when he saw their numbers double. One individual Anzu had never seen before stepped up and smiled gesturing to his group.

"You didn't think we'd let you take the glory for yourselves did you?" A boy with blonde hair and an obnoxious facial expression said, practically looking down on her. She knew immediately she didn't like him... but he would be an asset.

"Fuck off Monoma." Bakugou said, rolling his eyes, the old fire restored instantly, his eyes glimmering with practical excitement. He may hate class B, but he knew for sure that with them... there was no loss in sight. They had given him a new found confidence, and for that he was grateful.

Aizawa looked up to see Shiguraki walk out of the crowd, a Nomu following directly behind him, dragging it's tail and other genetically modified body parts in the sand with a disturbing rhythm.

"Anzu!" She felt a sturdy and slightly sharp grip on her arm and she recognized it immediately. She practically melted hearing her good friend's voice again. She whipped around and hugged him, noticing he had gotten slightly stockier since the last time she had seen him. He practically lifted her up when gripping her in a giant hug, his pointy teeth glimmering in the noon sunlight. His face read everything positive and it made Anzu almost giggle from seeing him. "Man am I glad to see you! I thought you died!!!" He said, squeezing tighter before plopping her back on her feet, a bit winded, but smiling.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now