Control Breeds Contempt

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          Bakugou pulled Anzu into him, both of them trembling as the night air permeated everything around them. Anzu felt as if someone had poured liquid nitrogen into her own bloodstream, and in return her entire frame rattled. She had never... not been in control. Instead of being able to move her own arms and think for herself, there was this overwhelming willpower that forced it's way into her mind, leaving her utterly helpless in the background. Utterly helpless. She listened to Ketsurui's passive and erratic thought process as just a simple afterthought, unable to do anything to sway her or change her mind. Like a single entity in an expanse of black, who can only watch the things around her. Alter nothing. No matter how hard she fought, ripped, and clawed her way out, the suppression on her own willpower was forced down. Her body was no longer hers, and she could simply think empty thoughts, filled with that of someone else. A terrible, painful, and meaningless existence. Who's to say she was in her own body right now? Who's to say Ketsurui truly left?

Anzu had been in her own body for about a minute at this point, but she was too scared to move. She didn't know anymore, couldn't associate with her own limbs, they looked odd and off color. Even then, they felt like a cold, dead weight once she truly felt them... but a piece of her mind still worried they weren't hers. They're in Ketsurui's control... Or at least I think. There's nothing I can do. So as Bakugou gripped onto her, she sat perfectly still, aside from the shaking, terrified that no matter what she did it would end in some form of problem. Anzu thought back to when Ketsurui tried to slap Bakugou for grabbing her wrist, the thought had her core ache with fear. She was able to stop it, but barely. It took almost everything out of her, and at that point it was nearly impossible to keep her thoughts present. Not to get dragged back into the black abyss, the sleep like state. A simple hand motion, and she could feel her thoughts dying away, desperation clawing at what little brain capacity she was left with. Everything felt so cold, she questioned if her body was even producing heat anymore. But there it was again... was the body even hers at this point? Or did this belong to Ketsurui and she was simply the new entity dwelling within it. Was she just some fake second personality she made by accident after losing her memory? Anzu as a human was far less developed, hadn't been alive as long but knew far more. What did this make them? What does this make me? Am I just... a figment of imagination? Or am I sentient? How do I know? No one will tell me if this body is mine.

Several minutes had past at this point and Bakugou was beginning to get worried. Her grip was unnaturally loose, especially for her and she had her face buried in his shoulder, but since then hadn't moved a muscle aside from the trembling. No tears, no talking, crying, nothing. He half wondered if she had fallen into some form of sleep or shock, but it didn't make sense. Nothing about this made sense. He knew it was Anzu now, he knew Ketsurui had left but he still couldn't tell who was in control. She seemed stiff, like it she moved she would hurt herself. He then proceeded to wonder if she was in some form of pain and was struck with a pang of fear.

"Anzu." He said, tapping on her shoulder, trying to see what exactly was the problem. He couldn't get her expression out of his head, when Ketsurui almost hit him. It looked like her own face had split down the middle, one eye conceited and focused, the other one frantic and scared. Crying. That was never something he wanted to see again, he wasn't used to this shit. Didn't understand how this kind of thing worked, all he knew was that words weren't his strong suit, neither was comforting people in pain.

Finally, when the seconds drifted on and the silence grew heavy, he didn't receive any form of answer so he decided to try his hand at some form of communication. He fought his urge to do something harsh and moved slowly, tapping her on the shoulder, trying simply to see if she was okay.

"Anzu. Say something c'mon." He urged, a sinking feeling enveloping his brain as there were no changes to the situation. His worries kept plaguing him, eating away at his subconscious, telling him he was useless. Bakugou didn't know what to do, something was clearly wrong but it wasn't like he could just magically come up with a diagnosis. The worst part was she could... he knew she could. He needed her help, and of course he was helpless. After he had let her into his life, it was like she became an automatic responsibility to him. If she was hurt or in pain, he would always feel like it was his fault no matter what, which is part of the reason he hated getting close to people. I know she can handle herself. That's why I didn't get rid of her but... It's my fault everything has gone to shit at this point. If I had dealt with Ketsurui better... maybe this wouldn't be happening.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now