A Hefty Exchange

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                Anzu blinked open her eyes when a gust of wind smashed into the side of the log cabin, sending her heartbeat practically into her ears. The howling picked up again, like a displaced wolf crawling through the night. She had an iron grip on both her shirt and Katsuki's arm, of which he lazily tossed it over her and mumbled something about going back to sleep. The bright red beam in her eye died down as the momentary jump-scare faded, leaving her awake and exhausted. She didn't have any recollection of the night before, briefly wondering if she had just fallen asleep on the couch or something like that... but that's usually how it happened. Not once had Katsuki whined about having to move her into their room so she supposed it had become sort of a habit. Something about sitting on that couch in front of the fire place was incredibly serene and she supposed her body was just used to falling asleep quickly. Having a human heating pack right next to her didn't help either, and she swore that something about his quirk made his temperature hotter than everyone else. Sometimes it'd get too hot, but if she pulled away he'd give her a face that made her feel like she stabbed a puppy. In the end she supposed that was how she ended up here.

However, if that was the case it most likely meant that she didn't eat anything either... and the answer was evident when the feeling of hunger began gnawing at her stomach. All three of them had been rationing so much that she was pretty sure all of their stomachs had shrunken upon the point of no repair... but then again that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Although she supposed losing muscle wasn't a very good thing considering their career choice. She turned her head to notice him face down, wondering how he breathed with all the comforters flat in his face. None the less she quietly and slowly removed his arm from over her neck and sat up, feeling the new found cold nipping at her cheeks. When her socks hit the hard wood floor, another gust of wind picked up and she quickly curled back up, contemplating if leaving the comfort of her room was really worth it. She looked back longingly at the imprint she had left, knowing anything was warmer than the cold she was feeling at that moment. A kind of wet cold that freezes you to the absolute core, leaving no spaces in the rattling plaguing her spine. It seemed all she did now a days was shiver. She frowned slightly at the thought, remembering how nice the sun was yesterday... how much she missed it.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a pang of hunger hit the pit of her stomach and she understood quickly that if she were to sit here, it would only get worse. At this point even another cup ramen sounded decent. She then made the extra step and stood clumsily on the cold floor, wincing when it bled through her socks and made her regret her decision once more. Instead she made her way down the pitch black hallway, surprised again to see Aizawa's light still on. Sounds of vigorous typing could be heard over the wind and she smiled softly to herself. The man really doesn't sleep does he? That's gonna come around full circle... hope he knows that. She thought dismissively, finally reaching the small kitchen and resting her hand on the door handle. Maybe tea would be good too... Anzu picked up the only little box visible in the eerily empty cabinet, then flipped it over to read the label. We only have licorice flavored...... who the hell drinks licorice flavored tea!? She thought erratically, casting it aside with a little bit of irritation leaking through her sleepy demeanor. It hit the bottom of the shelf with a sad thump and she suddenly felt a bit disappointed in herself. I mean... haven't tried it... maybe it's good. Damn, when did I become so quick to judge? Maybe this tea is the best damn tea I've ever had and I made it feel like shit. She picked the packet back up and took out a bag, ignoring the overwhelming anise sent. Whether she noticed or not her thoughts became rather weird at night... like for example paying attention to the feelings of a tea box. However, nonetheless it didn't seem to bother her as Anzu busily began preparing. She placed it in an empty mug Katsuki had washed earlier and put some water on the stove, warming her hands on the tiny gas flame and preparing a bowl for the ramen she had been awaiting for so long. Upon opening the cupboard, she looked around, up and down. The again, because apparently she wasn't paying enough attention the first time. Yet again she blinked, trying to smother the dread slowly encasing her stomach. I-I'm sure Aizawa kept it in here... where else would it be!? Please don't tell me this means what I think it means. She began searching shelf after shelf, practically tearing apart the whole kitchen... to no avail. It seemed that they had finally run out of food... not to mention luck. Anzu plopped back into her seat with exasperation, blowing a stray piece of hair out of her eyes. She couldn't tell if she was hungry, angry, distraught.... maybe all three? Instead she rested her face in her hands and put her head down... ignoring the little voice in the back of her brain saying that sitting down could be dangerous. Like a light, her awareness of her surroundings faded.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now