Chapter 3

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Boston wind brush past me wildly, when I stepped out of my door. Adjusting my just disheveled hair, I descend the few stairs absentmindedly. Few kids on their skateboards stroll pass me laughing among themselves. I saw Mr.Robert, my neighbor, waters his lady's favorite flowers.

Loving someone for forever is magic. Mr.Robert never misses to water those flowers planted by his late wife and he always smiles when I questioned him why he does that every day. Somehow I understand the hidden love in all his smiles like my parent does. Those smiles they give at two of us cannot be forgotten.

Two of us...

Controlling my lacrimal gland from spilling out the tears, I push open the door of the café and make a beeline towards the counter. The thick aroma of coffee beans lingers leisurely in the café. With getting myself a packet of blueberry cookies and a glass of milk, I situate myself at a table which was at the far corner of the café. Just a common introverts thing.

Involuntarily my thoughts drift to Parker when I took a sip of the milk. Even though three weeks have been passed, I still can't get out that night from my mind. His face and that night linger somewhere back inside my brain.

Shaking my head and clearing my thoughts from him, I munch the cookies while scrolling my Instagram feed. A few minutes could have been passed when I sense a presence beside me and in a glance the presence shifted to my opposite, taking the empty seat in front of me. All I could do was smiled unbelievably.

"Thinking of me Isabella?" He smirked and let his eyes leisurely wander all over me.

His messy black hair, light stubbles, thick eyebrows, chapped lips, brown jacket, underneath the white t-shirt, and everything about him screams danger. And I found it's hard for me to take my eyes off him. Not to say about those eyes. Damn those brown circular dangerous globes.

"No. Why should I? And are you stalking me? How do you find me here?".

"Ya. Why should you?" He says mockingly and I knew he knew that I'm lying. " For your second question, no I'm not stalking you. It's just I have my own way in finding you," he shrugged and raises his eyebrow in a way that makes Gaston be ashamed. "And for the third question, yeah I find you really beautiful at here or anywhere else." He finished off.

A mere second of comfortable silence pass between us before I chuckled unladylike. "You have a way with your words uhh.. impressive..". I push my packet of cookies to him. But instead of taking the cookies that I offer, he took the glass from my hand and took a sip of my milk.

Oh My God, I Hate Him.

"So tell me about yourself, Bella." His velvet voice rings through my ear while he put down the glass. I quickly took away the glass from the thief.

"Seriously? Why should I tell you about myself?". I questioned him unbelievably and finish off drinking the milk. You can't steal anything from me, young man.

"I have all right to know about you. Remember I tell you I'll fulfill all your wishes." His eyes never leave mines.

"You don't have any rights and you don't have to fulfill anything too. Actually, you know what? It's a stupid wish, Parker. Just forget it." I said in a breath and give him a tight smile. I can see my walls are getting thicker because of him.

"You remembered my name." He said ever softly and for the first time I saw him smile and the fact that I said his name was the only word he heard from what I was saying gave me a wild feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You're insane Parker." I retort back and hearing me his smile fade away and replace it with a scowl.

"But anyway the wish was not stupid. At all." He says changing the subject.

"Yes, it is" I retort back again, annoyed.

"No!" With saying that he slammed his fist on the table and make me jump a little because of shock. I stared at him with wide eyes. When he saw my shocked figure, he exhaled loudly shaking his head and return his full attention to me. And it surprises me to look at him for being angry one second and calm another second. Am I having a talk with a bipolar person?

"I know you know what I'm trying to do Isabella."

"You're trying to figure me out," I stated.

"Thank God!!". He faked exclaimed, to all of us obvious.

"But there's nothing to figure out Parker."

"I don't think so."

"There's nothing about me okay? Don't you ever try it!" I'm on the urge to explode right now. He is trying to walk past my bubble and it makes anger slowly creeps into my blood.

"There are a lot actually. And hell no. I'm not gonna stop from trying." He said confidently like he is the one who had to write my life story.

"You're creepy. Do you know that?" I glared at him.

"I don't care." He glared back.

"Please leave me alone!" I said with a gruff.

"Not until I figure you out," he said steadily, offer me a mean smile, and abruptly took my handphone from me.

"Hey!! Give my phone back! This is really unbelievable. For God's sake, I don't know who you are and I certainly don't understand why we are having this kind of conversation right now. Tell me who the hell are you to figure me out. WHO.ARE.YOU.TO.ME.?" I shouted at him.

He is really being an asshole right now. You just can't walk in someone's life abruptly and claims to figure them out. Heck, I don't even know who is this man sitting I front me.

For a mere second, he stares at me. I never miss that dangerous glint in his eyes. So calmly, his every word stabs on my heart like a tattoo.

"I'm your nightmare, Isabella. Dearest nightmare."

He stands up steadily, slide pass me my handphone and leave the café saunter confidently but not before giving me a scorching look that turns my inside into a jelly pool.


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