Chapter 19

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His long fingers play with the table napkin as his eyes fixed on Kelly, who is up on the stage singing. "Uhm Parker.," I called out for his attention which I earned. "Can we talk," I paused and looked around, "not here but somewhere at the back of the hall or anywhere?"

"Sure Bella." He stands up from his seat, quickly. I took a deep breath and lead the way to the back of the room until I reached a spot where we both can talk while still watching Kelly's performance. We both lean on the wall, eyes fixed on Kelly. We two maintain the silence, waiting for someone to break it. I know I should break it as I'm the one who asked to talk. So I did.

"She is beautiful.." I crossed my arm over my chest. A usual thing I do whenever I feel like I need to protect myself.

"She is indeed.." Parker's voice was raspy. Kelly is a 12-year-old girl with unusual facial features. Merely 4ft high, she has distended belly, stiffed muscles, and if you take a close look her eyes are cloudy. Yet she is beautiful.

"Her name is Kelly. She is a talented kid who doesn't deserve this disease." The intensity in my voice began to increase. This time Parker's brown orbs found mine. His eyes questioned.

"Lysosomal storage disease," I said. His face squinted, probably trying to remember whether he had learned it in high school or not.

" It's a rare kind of disease, LSD, which means it's rare for everyone to know about it." My eyes were unwavering on my sandals. With letting my fingers messed up my hair, I continued.

I appreciated that Parker didn't say anything.

"So LSD is caused by lack of a type of enzyme that functions to eliminate unwanted substances in the cell of our body." I wet my lips. " You must have read this type of enzyme in biology when we were in high school." For this time I looked at him. "Lysosomes.."

Parker's eyes move right and left trying to remember it. "It's okay. You don't have to recall it or anything. That enzyme was mere rubbish in high school syllabus." I give him a tight smile."But go of that one simple rubbish thing from our body system, this is how we end up." I say as I pointed to the Kelly. "It costs all our life."

"But there is a treatment for this right?" Parker asked.

"Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is currently in use but it cost millions for a year. And the patients have to take the ERT for their life long which will cost a fortune. So in need to save these children, money is needed. A lot. And there are only two ways to get it. One, a fund from government and the later is the public's fund. That's the reason why now this charity dinner is happening."

I pointed at the tables around the hall. "Most of these people are family of the kids and family of the rich people who sponsored for this event." I tugged my hair behind my ears, " And the man we just know talked to, Mr.Lee. He is the president of this lysosomal association. He has two children with this disease. He is the real hero, fighting for the one in need." I said and looked at Parker, expecting his words.

He took his time in letting his eyes roam over the crowd. Eventually his eyes back to where I stand.

His eyes were confused but there was no sign of fear in eyes.

"And what all this have to do with you, Bella?" His eyes hold mine.


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