Chapter 15

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I saw her. Only her. "Isabella.." My legs descend the steps while my heart ascends its beats. My eyes were all over her. Her eyes, her hair, her bag, her sandals, her summer coat, her earrings, her lips.

Her. Her. Her.

She drives me crazy. Yesterday I had almost said that I'm in love with her. At first, I just wanted to admit that I like her. A lot. But I have no fucking idea, how did I end up with love.

Am I really in love? If I'm not, then why my heart beating this way; then why my eyes search only for her; then why I keep on thinking about her; then why the fuck I'm here at her doorsteps?

"Parker.." What should I say to her? "What are you doing here?" Fuck. I don't know why I'm here.

Before I could say anything, Isabella gasp softly looking upwards, "Shit! It's raining!" She cried out and using her bag as a shield she quickly climbs off the steps and unlocks the door. I stand there, not knowing what to do as I didn't drive to her house.

"Parker!! Come in faster!!" To my complete surprise, Isabella said that.

Thank you, God

I grinned at the sky and rush into her house for the first time.

"Make yourself at home Parker. I need to take the clothes I put to dry at balcony!!" she quickly said, and jogs to somewhere inside her house.

A simple cozy style house. I took the time in scanning her house. A small brown oak dining table that separates the living room from the kitchen. In her living room, sits one burgundy color sofa and a love seat, television with a speaker system, a glass table, and black cabinetry with books and photo frames on it. A big size photo, Isabella with 3 more peoples in it, adorned the wall perfectly. It's a family photo. But what intrigued me was the boy with her parents and her in that photo. Who is he? He looks abnormal. Slowly my legs reached the cabinetry. On her cabinetry, there are a few photos of the same boy too.

What is your story, Bella?

I need to know about her family. But I won't force or ask her. If she wants to me know, then she will let me know. There is one photo where Bella kissing that boy in cheeks and another one where she laughing looking at that boy. She looks so young and happy. I never have seen her this happy before. The Bella that I'm witnessing right now is a woman that doesn't laugh often; the woman that appears to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders; the woman who is too kind for this cruel world.

Art is something that breaks all your beliefs, in a nice way. Bella is an art. When you look at her, you will look at art that not supposed to be beautiful but still can make your heart double it beats. No matter how much you convince, you can't take your eyes, heart, and mind of her. She will be there, breaking all your's without knowing it.

"Parker." I turn on my back and witness that kind of art. She stands there, with her hair damp lightly, her fingers fidgeting with one another looking goddamn sexy. How can she look sexy in smart pants and blouse? God... I want to pull her along with me onto the couch and do anything that I could do with her. The weather doesn't help much too. It's raining. Controlling myself from attacking her with my lust, I smirked. "So finally I'm at your house."

She smirks too." Yeah..yeah so what? Should I put on a banner outside of my home?" she asks, and put both her hands on her hip, looking at me smugly. If she thinks what she does can make me fear of her, then she is wrong. All I want to do now is kiss the hell outta here.

"Yes go ahead. I'm not stopping you.." I joked. And she smiles. A smile that can make any guy trip over.

Uhmm... Parker, you're overemphasizing.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat? Because it's time for dinner actually.." Bella pointed at the wall clock. It's already seven.

"I didn't take my dinner yet. But we can order Chinese take out.." I said and scroll through my contacts searching for the number of a Chinese restaurant. But Bella stopped me.

"Don't. It will be very hard for that guy who gonna deliver. It's raining heavily out there. I can cook something simple.." She said and sign me to follow her. I said right, she is too kind for this cruel world.

"You're worried about someone you barely know Bella?" I ask, following her into her kitchen. A modern yet classy kitchen that completely resembles her.

"Is there any rule that saying we should only worry about the person we know?" She asks as she gave me a cup. "No right?" She continued. " So finish that caramel chocolate and help me with the cooking."

"What?" I put the cap on the counter and looked at her shocked who took a blue box from the fridge. "Cooking?Me?"

"No! I'm not gonna cook you." She says and handed over the box. What an idiotic joke.

"But we gonna cook the chicken in the box that you're holding. If you wanna eat, then you too cook.."

God.. don't save me from her...

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