Chapter 5

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"He's turned upside down. Now his little bum is on top."

Mrs. Lucia stabilized her breath and look at the screen that I pointed at. Pure happiness boomed on her eyes as usual.

"There's a tiny hand on each side..." I pointed at the fetus's arms on screen. The image of her fetus turns upside down as if doing a somersault clearly can be seen. Mrs. Lucia smiled and nodded, eyes fixed on her baby.

"Now hold on your breath mummy for a sec. I want to take a capture"

I move the transducer gently, onto her belly to capture black and white images onto the ultrasound screen.

"Here's the image of the face and he opened his mouth..." The image, showing a side view of the fetus opens and closes its mouth was put on display.

"I like that... A child that yawns in the uterus, everything's OK... It has nothing to do with medicine, but one has the impression... no one yawns in a situation of stress..." I said and smiled at Mrs. Lucia.

"Are you happy now Mrs. Lucia?"

"Very very much Dr. Bella. Thank you so much" She beamed. The natural glow on her face just can't be ignored.

"Thanks to God. And it's just Bella. No Dr.." I said while wiping the gel off her bump.

"Yet.." She looked at me hopefully and all I could do was shakes my head slowly.

"Okay, it's done here, Mrs. Lucia. Take a good rest. Eat well. Get your next appointment at the receptionist and be happy."

"You eat well too. I will leave now. See you some other day then. Have a good day"

She left but not before giving me a hug. Mrs. Lucia was my first mummy to be taken care of her ultrasound therapy when I join as a sonographer 6 months ago. After getting my degree, I applied for some medical-related job at the whole Boston city, as Boston is well - known for medical science. Within 1 month I get the job and I choose to stay in my love city. I update Mrs.Lucia reports in the hospital system, hurriedly. as left only 30 minutes more to of. Moreover, it's Friday.


My steps were slow. I was no in a hurry. Hundreds of people passed by, but none of them was the familiar one. Just strangers. Where no one knows me and I know no one. That's what I want. To get lost in the crowds.

My eyes were not in my accord. It wanders and took in everything around me.

Busy strangers,

Speeding cars,

Sky touching buildings,

Swaying trees,

Busy strangers again...

And it stopped. My eyes.

He still looks the same. A white body-fit t-shirt and blue jeans with his signature brown jacket, he still looks the same.

Even after one year.

Except he is more masculine and handsome now. He is not the young man I met one year ago. He is a man now.

"Parker.," I whispered.

As if he heard me, his brown orbs find mine and I couldn't find it in me to look away. Both our steps shorten the physical distance between us.

"Hi." He started and I prolonged.

"How have you been Bella?"

It was a fine day until you show up.

"I'm doing.. fine..yeah fine. How about you?"

"Never been better before," he said. I stared. He is still good at his words.

After he left the café, one year back, this is the first time we are seeing each other. I changed my phone number in purpose to avoid him. But still, I anticipated him to drop by my home if he finds out about the number change. But he doesn't. Never once.

He just vanished, I thought.

I slowly start to walk, him beside me. We both were not in hurry in steps but definitely lost in words. We have nothing to ask at each other. Yet it feels like we have a lot. So I asked.

"What happened?"

"Something came up that makes me leave the country." His velvet voice still sounds the same.

"You could have let me know before you leave. I've waited." I lick my dry lips and look at him. Boston wind grazes his locks smoothly.

"Not anymore.." His gaze fell on me and I averted my eyes from him. I don't want to show him how much his presence affecting me.

"It's just I never knew what happened to the stranger who was so eager to figure me out. That's all." I shrugged it off like it never affects me when in reality every time when he crosses my thought I would feel devastated. I don't know why I miss him. It was so weird.

"That stranger is back Isabella.."

But he always has a way to affect me.

Silence engulfs us again. To avoid the awkwardness we both busied our self with phones until we both reach steps of my home.

"So.." I trailed off not sure what to say. A small smile danced on his lips.

"So you're not going to let me inside." He stated.

"Not that fast Parker."I smiled and climbed up the stairs.

"You want it slowly? I can try it, Bella". He said and gave his phone to me.

I saved my phone number as Isabella and give the phone back to him. His eyes sparkle looking at me. An involuntary small laugh escapes from me.

"Bye Parker. I promise one day I will let you inside my home.."

"And I promise that not only your home that I'm going to be inside...Bella.."


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