Chapter 4

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I'm naked.

Not exactly naked as my sky blue color underwear and bra are still on.

I turn my body elegantly in tune with the slow flow of music. My gaze locked with my wave-like hand's movement. My brown locks, that were let down, move like waves accords to my dance moves. A beam of light follows me while the rest of the place submerged by pitch black.

Gracefully, I dance with the soft music; my feet are in perfect sync to the beating of my heart. Smooth.

As the music lengthens, that's when I decided to let go. To let go of my worries, my pain, my sorrow, and my everything. But not my smile.

Right here, right now I'm living. No fake of me. No walls around me. Nothing else seemed to matter for now. No need to wear a mask for this cruel world.

I went right. I went left. I sped up. I slowed down. I became one with music, with the dance and with this dark place.

I allowed the music to take my body and me anywhere it pleased on this floor.

Until I met a pair of brown eyes hidden in the dark.

Until Him.

My dance movements came to halt. My steady heartbeats start to forget its rhythm. Regular goosebumps start to marathon along with my spine.

His gaze is unwavering, on me.

I stand there still, locking my gaze with his. He tied up my whole body with a look.

And I feel exposed for the first time. I realized that he is seeing me. The real me. The one with no mask or wall. The Isabella used to settle down behind the wall.

He is in dark. I'm in dark. We both are in dark.

A tear falls down from my left eye. I tentatively take a step back, to run away from him. This can't be happening. I'm not ready to open up my heart. I can't do that. My heart won't bear another pain. It is already full of bruises.

All I want and need is him. Only he but still I can't.

Eyes still locked. Heart still arching. I take another step back. Another tear falls.

"Don't" He whispered.

And I waked up. 

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