Chapter 24

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After my brother's demise, I was well acquainted with the silence my home carries along. When he was alive our home was always cheerful and joyful. Being quiet is not even closer to possible. But after he has gone silence is the only thing that left in here and it suffocates us. But today I felt more suffocating as Parker sits beside me in my home, in the living room, on the couch while my parents and Natasha sitting on another couch looking at us like we are some kind of thieves and they are so ready to call the police if we blink our eyes. I know I'm overthinking but let me explain my family is an orthodox family and only people from the orthodox families knew how orthodox is this situation is.

But Parker beside me looks very confident and not afraid of anything. His eyes drink in our house and when it met mines, he fucking wink, in front of my parents. I'm so going to strangle him to death.

"So can you explain what is happening Bella?" My father's stern voice booms around the silent living room. I squirmed finding the right word to explain but as usual, Parker beats me to it.

"Sorry for interrupting Mr.Lockhart but allow me to explain." He moves a little forward so that now I can clearly see his side face. "I'm Parker Mitchell working at Hanscom Air Force in Massachusetts. So I and Bella met two years ago when she was still doing her degree. We have been friends for a long time and at one point we take a step forward and become a girlfriend boyfriend." Saying that he looks at me, who was busy taking in his words into my slow brain.

And when I realized he made up story and establishes us as lovers which we are not I open my mouth to refuse, " We are--", Only to interrupt by Parker who said, "We are really sorry that we didn't inform you or let you know about this relationship." If this is not worst enough it gets more worst when he threw me a charming smile and holds my hands tightly for the display of my parents and Natasha. I'm going to prison because I want to kill him. I was literally sweating and shaking because that's not what happened. We are not lovers.

"Dad we are--", I started again, only to interrupt. But this time by Natasha. "You've been in a relationship like for two years and you didn't talk about or tell me anything about it. So much of being a best friend Bella." Sadness laced on her voice and with saying that she walk angrily towards the kitchen. This is so messed up. I don't want to hurt my best friend.

"Why are you here now? " My father directs the question to Parker whose eyes on me. His eyes soften looking at me worried. I don't like hurting my parents. I can see that they are hurt. "We broke up." I blink registering his words while his eyes hold mine for a second then moves towards my confused parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart. Bella broke up with me because she doesn't want to hurt or lie to you two anymore." I stared at this guy who literally explained what I felt. How did he know what I was thinking? "So I pushed her to introduce me to you, I just can't let her go like that. Because," This time he looks directly at me, his grip tightens softly, So does his voice. "I love her. So much that I don't give a damn about her DNA carrier problem. I just love her." And just like that, a tear falls down from my right eyes. I stare at Parker. This is suffocating but overwhelming. What did I do to deserve this?

"What did you say?" My mother, for the first time, talked. Parker stands on his feet and because we are holding hands, I stand as well. "I knew about Darmash and the disease and the fact that Bella is a carrier. She broke up with me because she thinks she doesn't deserve love and doesn't want to burden me. But little did she know I won't let her go no matter how hard it is and she is not a burden. So I came here searching for her to win her back, and show her that true love can conquer anything. Even the disease." All I could do was standing there and seeing my life is totally navigated by Parker.

My parents stared at him, like me. After some time my father stands up and before he could say anything my mother, stopped him by touching his shoulder gently. "Where you are going to stay tonight?" For my utter surprise, my mother asks that to Parker. Without undaunted, he replied " Not sure. I think I'll crash in my car." "No need. You can stay here." She said that very calmly and dragged my father who is equally shocked as me to the upstairs. She allowed Parker to stay here, in our orthodox home.

"What the heck did just happened?" I whispered yelled, cannot believe my eyes and ears.

"Your love story." Comes Natasha's sarcastic reply who stands at the doorsteps of the kitchen. She looks relaxed. "Look, Nat. I'm really sorry--", "Save it, Bella." She stopped me and walks towards us, eyes settled on Parker. "I already hear everything and I like your boyfriend!!" For my utter surprise, she yelped and hugged Parker. He hugged her back. "Man, you're amazing. It's impossible to impress Bella's parents and you did it just in a few minutes." She talked smoothly. Her voice laced some excitement and happiness. Parker laughed and said thank you. I can assure they instantly kick-off and I don't like it. So I interrupt them."Nat, you're not mad right?" I ask her. "I was but not anymore. I don't need your sorry. Just spill the beans how you ended up with someone this hot." This brings a smug grin on Parker's face.


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