Chapter 34

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"Two pavlovas, and one blueberry milk. Table seven." I said to Emily and picked a gray plate.  Reached out for the pavlova in the glass chiller cake showcase and carefully I placed it on the plate. The gray color plate in contrast with the white pavlovas makes it look great. Plating is important in the food business. I pass the plate to Emily who done making the drink. "Here you go." She carefully placed it on the food tray. Her brunette strands fall elegantly around her face as she walks to the women at table seven. Since it's evening, the place was not crowded. I can breathe a little.

After leaving everything behind in Boston, with my father's help and the savings I had, I started a small patisserie at Houston. Since young, I was so into cooking and baking. So I decided to work on what I really love. Not forget to say baking and cooking helped me to regain my strength. Slowly, now the small patisserie had become a cafe name 'Horizon'. I have Emily, as a worker and my father take care of the kitchen. Emily works here for the past year and needless to say she is a quick learner. And a little disaster in kitchen too sometimes. She helps me in the kitchen whenever she can and whichever she can do.

My cafe. The only thing that mine's now. We have many regular customers. They know my name, Emily's, and my parents. I've got customers who I go by name as well.

Apart from being a cook, I became a volunteer of a rare disease awareness association and writing column for a local newspaper. Since I have penned down my love story, I've thinking to publish it online but nothing has been decided.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of bells clanging. A signal that we have customers. It's Damon. "Hello, young man." I greeted him, smiling teasingly. I know why he is here. "Hi, Bella." His raspy voice, makes me think of certain someone that I still love. Damon's eyes roam around the cafe until it settles on certain someone. "Americano right?" I asked and he smiled. "You know me." He shrugged, eyes never leaving Emily who is already beside me. "Hi.." she barely whispered and I knew I have to leave these love birds.

So quickly I bid goodbye and enters the kitchen. My father was busy rolling dough for croissants as I wash my hands. "Is one batch enough for today?" His eyes found mine. "I need to go home earlier, Bella. Your mother is not feeling well." I smiled a little. "Ya father. It's enough." I pull him away from the counter by his shoulder. "Actually, I can manage it today. It's not busy. You can go home earlier." That's all he needs to hear. In a few minutes, he leaves me with the dough. I can't help but smile at how much he cares for my mother.

It past eight when Emily bid me goodbye and I lock the door of the cafe. I slowly walked to my car that parked on the other side of my cafe, only to find a very familiar figure standing near my black Honda. His eyes widen when he saw me.

"I'm tired, Hayden," I whined as I approached him. He grabs the car key from me, unlocks, and open the door for me. I get in. "When you're not?" He says as he closed the door and I can't help but laugh a little. Hayden is someone that reliable. We bonded over the volunteer program in the town. Since then, we were good friends for the past year. Hayden runs his family business.

"So how was the day?" He asked as the engines starts. "Don't ask about it" I groaned. He pulls the car away from the parking area and sped through the roads. "How was yours?" I looked at him. His brown hair was gelled perfectly. His black eyes were settled on the road. "Nothing much. Just some dealing and paperwork." I nod and the rest of our ride was nothing but small talks.

We reached my house in the nick of time. He parked it and we both get out of it. Hayden hands me back the key, and I hugged him. "Why are you doing this?" I asked and step back a little. "Doing what?" The corner of his eyes shrink. "Driving me back home and you walking back home." I looked at him annoyed. Hayden stares at me a second, and then ruffled my hair. "Go get some sleep, Bella. Good night." By said that he turn on his back and started to walk. "Hayden, it's not an answer," I shouted in low voice. "Good night, Bella." He shouted back, without turning and I shouted back "Be careful. Text me once you reach home." He just shows a thumbs up and vanishes through the dark. 

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