Chapter 21

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"I don't know what is your definition for relationship Parker."

Eventually, I moved out of his grip and wipe the tears off my face. I need to stop crying. "But for me, if loving someone, if giving my heart to someone, it's mean I want to get married to that person; I want to build my future and home with him." I stared at him for any reaction but when I didn't get one I moved pass Parker whose eyes follows my every movement. Picking up my bag from the bench I look back at him. I wish I can read what he is thinking as his eyes never give away any emotion.

"I'm an old school Parker, but I won't and don't do hearts and flowers. This is me. My past makes me like this. And I'm sorry if I've hurt you in any way."

Still no reaction from his side. He keeps staring at me. I forced myself to smile at him. "Go find someone who is worth your love Parker. I'm not the one who you want to be in love with."

With saying that I walk away from him. One step away from him, my left hand tightens on my bag's strap and tears flow freely from my eyes. My breath got caught as I walked. My heartfelt so heavy. This is the first time someone is saying in love with me and here I'm finding every way to stop him from falling for me. And guess I did well.

Parker's time in my story finished. He won't come back. He doesn't need someone like me. I'm a fucking carrier!!! Some times I wish my life is normal, not with some heartbreaking past that haunts me. Not to stops making me fall in love with someone. Not to makes me afraid to give my heart. I want to give my heart to Parker. But I can't. Just can't.

My legs gave up and I fall in my knees. The rough pavement road gives a sharp pain but the pain in my whole system is nothing compared to this. More tears started to fall and I started to sob. Ashamed of myself I hide my face using my hands and cry out loud.

This is so tough then I thought. "Why my life has to be this mess, God!!" I sobbed. " Why just I can't have someone in my life without any fear! Why?!!" My voice gets a little loud but I don't care if someone finds me creepy. This world won't care unless you died.

Memories of my brother's last minutes rush back into my thoughts making it too hard for me. I felt so weak. Until yesterday letting goes is easy but why it is hard for letting you go Parker. My hands start to hit the pavement. I'm angry. Mad. Mad at myself, my past, my life. Why I'm this messed up. Tears fall uncontrollable and I again raise my right hand to hit the pavement.

Before my hand could reach the pavement again, a large cold hand comes for its rescue. Before I can comprehend what's happening I was pulled into someone's warm body. Large hands hugged me tightly. Instantly his smell engulfs me and I started to sob more. My hands tighten on his jacket as I savor this moment. He is here. Did he come back for me? Did you Parker? One of his hands holds the back of my head caressing softly. His chin pressed on top of my head and then I felt his lips on top of my head. More tears fall.

"Bella.. don't cry please..." Parker's voice was soft and I could feel the pain in his voice. I moved a little so that I can see him. He is here!! My heart keeps chanting those words. "You're here" So as my mouth. I searched into his green eyes. He looks straight at me. His eyes were full of emotion.

"I said right, no matter what I won't leave you.." His voice comes out raspy and I just can't believe what I heard. I'm confused.

I whispered."Parker..." But he cut me off.

"I love you, Isabella. So much that..."

I kissed him.

Parker's POV

"Go find someone who is worth your love Parker. I'm not the one who you want to be in love with."

With saying that she walked past me, taking my everything with her. I stand still pondering about everything. My heart and mind shout at me to run after her, but my body for some reason stays rigid. I turn on my heels to saw her retreating figure in the corner of the street.

Isabella is a carrier. But in what way that will affect my feelings for her. My love for her. I don't get it. If she thinks this can bring me away from her, you're wrong Bella. Whether you're a carrier or not, nothing changes. Nothing at all. If this what your past made of, oh my Bella, I love you.

I stare at the empty street. The way she left. Her crying face hangs on my back of mind and seeing her tears tear me apart.

I won't and don't do hearts and flowers. Her words. A small smile finds its way on my lips when I started to walk down the street on finding her. I too don't do hearts and flowers  Bella. But with you, I don't go by rules. You don't know me. 

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