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With a long sigh escaped from my mouth, I increase the volume of the music player and wait for the traffic light to turns green. People were already busy in the morning. Not surprised. City life is all about running and winning the race. As the green lights flashed, I press the accelerator pedal and my car sped on the lane.

I parked swiftly at my usual parking spot, smiled satisfied with my parking skills. Getting my things from passenger seat,  I get out of my car only to see Hayden standing at the door of my cafe with a bouquet of roses. Curiosity peeks in as Iwalk slowly towards him. His eyes trained on me and the look makes me uncomfortable.

Please don't...

When I reached him, I eyed him and the roses "Is anything special today?" Hayden smiled and moved a little, giving me a way to unlock the door while saying"I guess so". I throw him a suspicious look and open the door. The smell of pastry hit my nostrils and I knew my father is already in the kitchen, baking something. He and Emily uses the back door.

Sinced it's already late,  I started to check the dining area,  billing machine making sure everything is in the right place and condition. I was busy checking the glass shelf when Hayden's voice grabs my attention "Bella... ".

"Sorry...sorry. What were you telling?" I smiled sheepishly for forgetting his presence. Hayden just stared at me and smiled. "Did I do anything funny?" I asked and bite my lips. He is acting weird.

His eyes falls on the bouquet in his hands and so did mine.  Hesitantly he gives the roses to me. "It's for you." I'm not surprised. I take it from his hand and with faking a smile I said,  "Thank you Hayden but why?" Hayden breathes out heavily and takes a step forward. My heart starts to increase its beat.


"No Hayden." I cut him off. "Don't say it and ruins what we have..." My thoughts drift back to the one my heart still belongs too. I haven't moved on. Hayden looks hurt. 

"Bella I love you. I know you didn't feel the same." He takes a step back. "I know something is bothering you. I don't even want to know what it is." He looks straight at me, said, " But just remember I'm always your friend and I'll be waiting for you." by saying that he left the cafe. The roses weighted heavily on my arms as the day started.


"Bella we run out of kiwi and avocado," Emily says as she returns from the kitchen. "It's okay. I'll buy it tomorrow. We are about to close anyway." I said and my eyes fall on the roses on counter. So does Emily's eyes. "Did Hayden gave it ?" Asks Emily as her fingers touched the red roses. I nodded.

"What did he said?" She continued. Her eyes were focused on me as I said "He said he loves me." I bite my lips. Even when we are talking about Hayden but my mind is still thinking about the brown-eyed man in Boston. "And you said no. Am I right?" Emily asked and I look at her, smiling sadly.

"Are you still waiting for him, Bella? It's been more than three years." Her voice coated sadness and I tried to hide my pain. Emily knew everything about my unrequited love story.

"I'm not waiting..."I said as I pick the red roses. He never gave me flowers or anything but still, I'm thinking about him. "Then why you say no to Hayden. He is a nice guy." She said as the last customer bid his goodbye.

I have no answer for her. Even I myself don't know why I'm like this. I pick a vase from the cabinet, filled it with water, and add sugar to it. Then, with my thoughts trailing on him I started to place the roses in the vase.

What should I do, when I live each painful day in memories of him, blaming myself for still breathing even after leaving him in the time when he needed me the most. How could I fall for anyone if it isn't him no one can hold my heart. I'm not okay without him.

Are you okay without me?

One tear escapes from my eyes and furiously I wiped it away. I don't ever want to show my tears.

I'm standing here all alone still loving him. I don't think I can find the love I found with him anywhere else. There will be no one else for me but him and his tight warm embrace.

He is just like the faraway stars, which I can't reach. But my heart will always just beat for him.

I love you.

My thought was interrupted by the sounds of bell clanging. "Sorry, sir. We are clo...." Emily's voice drops. With barely a whisper, she called my name "Bella..." I look at her who was on the other side of the counter. She looks shocked. Confused by her reaction, I turn to look at the way she looked shocked.

And the clock stopped ticking, the wind stopped flowing, the world stop rotates. It felt like my heart had stopped beating and my legs will give up anytime. I hold onto the counter as my feelings came back crashing.  

"I came back, Bella." His raspy voice falls in my ears and I breathe out.

The tears started to blur my view on the man in my favorite brown jacket and I did nothing to stop it. I stand frozen, not believing my eyes nor my fate. 

He is here. Just a few steps away from me. His longing brown eyes are real.  The warmth of his smile, that I missed for these past three years, found me again. He is real. He is here. 

"Parker..." I quietly whisper softly.

With a few strides Parker reaches me and pulls me into his tight embrace.  My tears also filled my heart as his warm love filled me. 

☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫-THE END-☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫☂♫

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