Chapter 16

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My hands were busy setting up the dining table but my eyes were fixed on Parker who engrossed himself in setting up fire at fireplace since it's getting cold at home. A small smile creeps on my face. Having Parker around my home feels nice. I like it even when he often makes my heart skips a beat.

The face he makes when he doesn't know how to cut a chicken; The way he afraid of frying that chicken because of the oil popping; And how he escaped from the kitchen by saying that he will set up the fire.

He is too hard to resist.

The girl who seeks to be alone somehow ended up liking to having him around me. But for how long?

"Are you done, Parker?", I pour the warm water into a glass cup. "The dinner is ready.." I just cooked chicken marinara with Parmesan. A simple dish that I love so much.

"Give me a second.." He said without looking at my direction. Yesterday he said he likes me. Actually, love me. How could Parker love me? He is that type of man where an only beautiful model like a girl can be in a relationship with. Because he is too good looking. Then how me? Boys don't walk in the direction of me.

Then why are you walking on my pathway Parker?


"I have to admit this is delicious.." Parker looked impressed as he munches the chicken.

I push my plate away as I already finish eating. Let's conclude that I'm--

"You're a fast eater." Parker finishes for me and I smiled. We both often think the same thing.

"So.." I prolonged. " It's already going to be nine and I don't think the rain will stop pouring any soon.." He swallowed the food and looks at me. I continued. "How you are going back to your home?"

He took his time in drinking the water, then push his plate, smirking. "Who said I'm gonna leave?" His mesmerizing brown eyes held my black eyes. And for a second I lost it.

"What?" I ask shocked. "No, you can't stay the night here.." I burst out sending glares at him. But all he did was chuckled.

"Then what you want me to do Bella? You want me to walk home in this heavy rain?" he asks, looking all cool." You can show mercy on some delivery boy, but not on me. Wow, I'm touched.." He leans back on the chair and looked directly at me.

I wonder what I look like in his eyes.

I sighed. "It's not like that Parker. You can't stay here. This is not good.." I say as I pick up my plate leaving his plate. "Ask someone to pick up you. I'm not letting you stay here.." I said firmly and walk past him to the kitchen, ignoring his eyes. One look at his eyes and I know I'll doom. I swear.

I put the plate in the sink and exhaled loudly. My grips tightened on the counter. This can't be happening. Parker cannot stay here. Anything can happen if he stays and I know I can't stop it. Once a touch of his fingers, there is no stopping.

Darn the rain.

I stand there still contemplating how to make Parker leave when I felt his presence behind me. Without any physical touch, he leans over and puts both the plate and glass in the sink. I stand there still, silently praying him to move away from me. But he didn't.

Softly his hands planted on my hips sending all kind of feeling down to the pit of my stomach. His minty breath brushes the nape of my neck, makes my grips on the counter tighten. Slowly his nose trails the nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I bite my lips hard. "Isabella.." He whispered. Parker's breath was hot on me. "You're driving me crazy."

Without me instructing, my body slowly turns to face my nightmare. My heart is on the verge to explode. I kept my eyes on his chest, too nervous to look at him. Time ticks and I didn't dare to look him in his eyes. We stand too close and I didn't make any move to decrease the closeness. Parker's left hand tenderly touch my right cheeks. "Bella.look at me.." His voice was husky. Gaining the strength, slowly my eyes trailed upwards. His strong manly cologne hit my nostrils, but it didn't hurt.

But when my eyes found him, my whole world stopped. This is where you belong, my heart whispered. There are no butterflies, dinosaurs, or any zoos but only his eyes and us.

Only Us. Nothing can matter if there is us.

Parker's dark brown hair disheveled, which is lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep brown, flecks of blacklight shining brightly throughout. He had dark eyebrows. His face was strong and defined. His perfect lips drawn into a hard line across his face. His hand on my hips tighten as he stared deep into my eyes. He decreases the distance if it is even possible. His body was warm despite the rain. There is no more nervousness, but just a different kind of calmness that outspread itself into my world.

And right here, in Parker's hand, I felt what does really love feels like, for the first time. There is no point in denying my feeling. Love never takes time to happens. It happens in a breath.

It never comes when a person ticks all that criteria box in our mind. It happens when a person destroys all that box and leaves you no choice. Parker leaves me no choice. I don't care if this is wrong or right but love not always right. Love is when the wrong feels right.

Parker's eyes fall on my lips. His eyes turn darker as his face descends closer. Leaving no choice, my eyelids cover my eyes.

Then, with the rain as a witness, our lips met.

This is where infinity fails. 

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