Chapter 13

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I stopped myself from getting out of the car and look over at Parker, on the driver seat.

"Stay a little longer.." He says, staring right into my eyes.

We are in front of my home. The Moon is already out with the stars, making this night more beautiful.

"How I wish I could "

I said, with a straight face and get out of his car. I slowly walk in the direction of my home. I felt his eyes burning holes through my back. Once I reached the steps of my door, instead of climbing it, I sit on it and look over the disappointed face in the car. I control myself from not laughing out loud because he looks so pathetic.

With a smile, I pat the empty spot beside me. "The little longer you asked for is going to end young man..."

Parker shakes his head playfully, then climbs off his car. With a slow stride, he reached and sit beside me.

The Boston wind passes both of us briskly. A comfortable silence lounge between us.A silence that never felt this better before. A silence that I enjoy.

My thoughts drift back to the night we met for first. A night the same as this but we were stranger back there. But now...

"Do you still remember that night we met Bella?" Both our eyes met. He is thinking about the same thing too. He makes my heart flutters. Again and again.

"You called me buffalo" He smiles saying that more to himself and looked away. Both Moonlight and street lamp light enhances his beauty.

"And you said you'll be my nightmare " I smiled saying that but never looked away. I looked at him. Only him. He looks dangerous yet peaceful. How could I end up with someone like him?

When I moved to the South End of Boston, 3 years back, all I wanted to be a new successful life with fewer people in it; Not a night with a man at my doorsteps.

"To be true, I have no idea why I said like that." His Adam-apple moves forth back as he looked at the distance. "I was creepy right?" This time he shifted his eyes on me.

"You're still creepy.." I joked and laugh. My laughter slowly decreases when his eyes stare deep into mine. I look into his mesmerizing brown eyes. His eyes speak a lot.

"Why are you here Parker..with me?" I asked finally. A question that weights my heart for too long. I need the answer today. I want to know why he is doing all this. Even though I act like he never effects me, but the truth; he is. He is affecting every cell in my body. But the funny thing is today is the first day we spent this much time together and I already feel like a thousand years. I felt like I know him for too long. Does he feel the same too?

"We can give reasons for things we don't like. But love, it never works that way Bella", he said softly.

His left hands slowly find mine. His fingers intertwine with mine. To my surprise, I didn't stop him. When he gets a good hold of my hands he looks at me back. The intensity in his eyes, I wish I could say it in words. It's irresistible.

" Love doesn't find reasons, Bella".

And my world exploded, quietly.

"I know it's too fast Bella. We barely know each other...." He licks his dried lips. "It's just I can't find in myself to stay away from you. I know this is crazy but I can't help myself from feeling something for you Bella. I have no idea what should I name that feeling. So I named it love. " His eyes unwavering, on something behind me. He looks distant.

"If I'm you I'll name it a mere attraction Parker. This is not loving. Don't fool yourself" words spills out from me in its own accord. He can't be serious. It's too early for him to be in love. I admit I do like him but love.

I don't know how to love.

This time his eyes find mine."I don't care to be a fool, Bella. But I can't let you go. I don't know if this is love or attraction. But I won't let it pass away. Whether it is love or affection, I want it to be with you. " His grip tightens on my hands. "Only you Bella" His voice was husky.

"Parker.." I prolonged. All the words I learned until now, suddenly doesn't make any sense. I had forgotten my own language. Now the only language I want to learn is him.

For forever.

"Parker..I..I.." I gulp. "I don't know what to say.." I lick my lips." You the first one Parker. I've never been in a situation like this." I said and looks down, ashamed.

I've never been in a relationship before. No boys ever proposed to me. Let's sum up my love line is always unreachable. I'm not that pretty. I'm not someone that can turn the crowd's attraction.

These days love comes with pretty faces.

He looks at me disbelievingly then closes his eyes."What do you mean? You have never been in a relationship before.." his voice drops a little. His eyes are still closed. Why he is closing his eyes? Can somebody explain?

"Yeah... It's just I'm not that noticeable...You know...look at me" I shrugged and bite my lips. I'm not someone who is proud of myself. I'm still learning how to love myself.

"I'm Isabella. " He opens his eyes back. " God makes you unnoticeable to other guys so that only I can notice you. Only me Bella." He looks at me intensely, making my spine shivers.

"Parker." I pull my hands off his. "This never going to work out. You're being too fast.."

"Then let's take it slowly." He pulls my hands back to his grip. Somehow his hands on mine felt comfortable. " But I can't promise. Because you're driving me crazy." His eyes drop to my lips.

"Parker!" I warned him, afraid that he might kiss me. I'm not ready for another blowup. Parker snapped back from whatever his thoughts, and look at me.

"Get ready for tomorrow. Your life is going to be changed. It's a promise Bella.."

"Already it is Parker.," I said the truth.

"But for best," he said quickly and stands up. I followed his actions.

" Go inside Bella. Get ready for a new life. With me. " He descends the steps as I climb it up. A genuine smile plastered on his face. I can't take my eyes off him.

Parker. The calmest storm.

How I'm going to survive this storm? I don't know.

But all I could do for now is, smile looking at my nightmare in a brown jacket.

My nightmare...

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