Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since our first long drive since then everything is going on steadily. Parker's love keeps on winning my heart and me standing on a tightrope. I'm waiting for him on my doorsteps. We are going to the park we first met. It's all Parker's plan. The rusty leaves crushed under my boots while I sit on the stairs and eyes on the road for his car to appear. In these two weeks, Parker never leaves my side except at night. It's also because I didn't allow him to stay over. They were moments where he will steal kisses from me. I don't know what we are. He never asked me to become his girlfriend because he knows I'll reject him. At all given chance I keep on reminding him that this won't work out but all he does in return was kiss me and says, "It is working out. If not, you won't be here with me." Parker and his way in words will always win me over.

"Earth to Bella.." Parker's voice snapped me out and there he is standing in a brown leather jacket over a tight white shirt and pair of black denim. "Loving what you see?" He teased and I rolled my eyes taking his offered hands. "So no driving today. You gonna make me walk." I asked my hands in his tight grip. His smell engulfs me and I find myself scooter close to him. " Ya that way I can spend more time with you." Parker smiled and winked. "Parker Oh Parker.." I teased and laugh for which he laughed back too.

We reached the park in no time. It still looks the same. We crossed the bridge. The river water's flowing sound surrounds the whole park while calm gentle wind touches lightly and ran pass in a loop. It smells nature. When we both reach the other side of the bridge, I walk towards the bench but only to stop by Parker. He leads us towards the woods. "Where are we going?", I asked. "Somewhere far away but closer.", He smiled looking back at me. "That sounds poetic but this is not the time to be artsy Parker.". "You make me be like this." He said and walk like he owns this place. Thank God I wear boots because the narrow path we walk on is all but muddy. The wood is creepy and the sounds from different creatures not helping at all. I disentangled my hands from him which earned a pointed look from Parker and disappears when I latched onto his arms. He is enjoying this. "This will sound cliche but seriously are you planning to kill me or what?". Branches snapped beneath my boots. "It is a cliche." He said and continue to walk and I left with no choice but follows him.

After what felt like ages, he finally said, "Here we are. Where the infinity fails. At least that's what I believe.". And my universe went silent. I take a few steps forward. This is beyond infinity. We are on a cliff. Right from here, the sky, sea, and the land can see under one view. The sea sparkled under the moonlight and the sky adorned with billion stars while the whole place secluded by hills and trees. The word beautiful won't satisfy the view in front of me. We humans really don't deserve the mother nature. "Do you like it?". I looked back at Parker. "Like? I love it, Parker." I revert back my attention to beauty. "How do you find this place? I've never seen this much of stars anywhere before." I asked. "Just a little wandering and found this place. This is where I came when I felt lost or you know.." He hesitates and then continued, " Remember when we first met, I was leaning on the tree at the pathway," I looked back at him. "Well, I was on my back from here, met you and the rest is history." He smiled and I smiled too. There is no way I can not smile at his smile. "And Bella," He looks straight at me and moved to his side, "Hope you love this too.". On the grass lays a white picnic mat with a dark blue colored blanket and two pillows along with a small basket. " Parker.," I whispered and look at his way. He took my hand and lead me to the mat. I'm at a loss of words. We removed our boots and sit on the mat. He started to unpack the basket and I quietly watch him.

He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His face was strong and defined, he had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. His usually playful smile had drawn into a hard line across his face. When his eyes met mine, his eyes were a mesmerizing deep brown and was the most beautiful color that I have ever seen. "Don't look at me like that, Bella. I couldn't control myself then." He smirked and hand over skittles. "I never take you as a romantic one. Moreover these picnic things." I popped the skittles in my mouth. He stared at me and pull me to his side. "What to say? A little woman should take the blame for my changes." I tangled my arms with him and lean on his shoulders. "This all felt like a dream Parker." His hands tighten the grip. " It's too beautiful to be unreal Bella." I smiled at his choice of words. "Do you took literature or something?" I asked. "Why?" I look at him. "Because you always got something poetic and nice to say." His eyes rake over my face. His eyes fell on my lips. "Parker...", His eyes met mine, "I've waited for this moment for 25 years," I inched closer to his lips, "And I cannot wait for any more second." That's all it's take for Parker's eyes to turn darker and his lips to find mine. Tonight we are going to break the rules.

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