Chapter 25

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I hesitantly open the door and let Parker inside my room. And it's a mess. I completely forgot that I didn't clean my room today morning as I was busy getting ready for the wedding. So quickly I jump in front of him and block his eyes using my hands even though I need to stand on my toes for that. He laughed loudly." What are you doing?". "Please close your eyes for a moment," I said hurriedly and rushes back to my bed, pick up all the items and put it all where it doesn't belong. The cupboard and under the bed.

Then, with a satisfied smile, I turn on my back and his green eyes staring right at me amused. "I told you to close your eyes right?" I cried childishly. He ignores me and takes baby steps into my room, eyes drinking in my teenage period room. Once he reached me, his eyes found mine and the amusement still lingers there. I have to control myself from a smile. He is so good looking. "So we gonna spend the night here," he said while pushing me lightly aside and falls on my bed on his back, "on this bed. Together.". I rolled my eyes, "In your dream jerk." And he smirks.

Suddenly with a strong tug on my arm, he pulls me, and with a gasp, I fall on his hard chest. Like a splash, all my body ignites with fire. His hands rest on my hips and his eyes on mine. His fingers touching softly on my hips, make my heart go out of his coordination. He holds me tightly. "Believe me, Bella. You don't want to know what my dreams are made of. You don't want to know the thing I do to you in my dreams," my heart beats rise more if it is even possible when his fingers on my hips tighten and his eyes fall on my lips, " If I tell you, you would be running away from me." He whispered. His green orbs turn darker.

"Enlighten me then," I whispered, against my commonsense and look right into his dark brown eyes. In a swift motion, I was under him on my back, and he towered over me. He is so beautiful. My fingers started to trace his eyebrows. Slowly my fingers slide past his cheekbones. His stubble felt rough on my fingers and I love that. I took in all of his, the little details he made up of. Parker keeps on staring at me. He breathes heavily when my fingers reached his soft lips. My eyes and fingers trace his lower lip. I lift my head a little and kiss him lightly. I don't know what gets into me or why I'm even doing this but for sure thing is I'm going crazy because of him. My lips linger on his warm lips for a second and I pull back staring right into his eyes. " What are you doing to me, Parker?" I ask softly. He smiles beautifully and places a kiss on my forehead and said, "You're gonna the death of me, Bella.".

After changing into joggers and a plain white shirt, I knocked on my parents' room door. My mind was whir-willed with many thoughts. This is not how I planned or imagined. But this is life. It won't happen as planned. If it does then it's not life but a mere system we succumb into. "Come in Bella,". It was my mother. With rubbing my sweaty palms on my joggers, I twisted the doorknob, and with a small creak sound, the door opened. My father was sitting on his recliner chair while my mother on the bad sit facing the balcony door. I slowly walked towards my parents who are silent with not sparing me a look. I take another step and sit on the floor between them. They still ignore me and stay quiet, so slowly I placed my hands on my father's.

"Father, I know I had disappointed you and I'm so sorry." Looking at nothing, with Parker's face in my mind I said, " I'm not sorry for what happened but I'm sorry for not letting you guys know earlier. For once I want to see what does it feel to take my own decisions. In all my life, every single decision I took was from the options you two gave. Even in my clothes, the option you gave I chose. It has always been like that and when Parker came into my life uninvited, without being an option to choose, I want to embrace it. I don't know where did I get this crazy idea from, but it's happened. Parker was not an option for me to choose and that speaks to me on another level. He is not an option nor a decision. He is he. He happened to me and I don't know how or when he came but he did. I don't know how long our story will last but I'm sorry for everything father and mother."

After a mere second of silence, my mother grabs my other hand and said, " You don't have to be sorry Bella. Nothing you did was wrong." she smiled a little and looked away saying "I'm quite surprised to see he choose to stay after knowing your problem". "Love," my father spoke for the very first time. His eyes finally set on me and I don't see any anger in those eyes. "Don't lose him, honey. Don't." With a large smile cemented on my face, I hug both of them. "Love you Bella." my mum said while my father kissed on my forehead.  

I'm sorry Father. But I have to lose him because I love him a little too much.

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