Chapter 26

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After a rather awkward dinner, which for me only, I set up the bed for Parker in our guest room and searched for him only to found he is not around in the home. I check outside through the windows and like what happened back in Boston, Parker was standing outside leaning on my car, eyes directly on me. When our eyes met a smile finds its own way to our lips. I went out of the house, eyes fixed on him. I took time in my steps reminiscing back our first encounter at the bridge. It was a long time ago but it seems like it happened yesterday. Eventually, I reached him with my heartbeat losing its tempo.

"What you're doing out here?" I asked. "Nothing much." He said and his eyes linger on me.  "Why you looking at me like that?". He smirked a little and asked back "Like what?" which only makes me avert my eyes from him. Suddenly he grabs my hands and started to walk towards our home saying "Come with me. Don't ask where."

" Look up," Parker said, once he makes sure I'm standing still on my home's roof without falling. With the night's breezy wind engulfing us, I look up at the sky with my hand safe in his. There were stars. All over the pitch-black night sky. My eyes searched for the Orion Belt. "It's there. Your Orion Belt." Parker pointed at my right and there it is. "How do you know I'm looking for it?" I asked while my soul savoring this moment. "Don't know. It could be a wild guess or it could be my favorite stars too." He laughed a little when I narrowed my eyes on him showing him that I know he is lying. "Liar". With his eyes fixed on the sky he said, " When I first met you at the bridge, you were talking to the stars. I mean shouting," he teased and continue when I hit him on the shoulder. "Your eyes were on those particular stars. And when you walk back home on that night you keep on looking for it at the sky. I can't forget that night." His voice was raspy. He remembers.

My eyes that love to watch stars surprisingly didn't pay it any attention. They were busy watching this man standing beside me, on my home's rooftop. One hand holding my hand while another one in the pocket, eyes on the sky his face glows. He looks beautiful. If only he had wings, he is the guardian angel. But not every angel has wings. "Parker," I called out his name. His brown eyes found mine and before I could speak, I slipped a little, and before I fall he grabbed me. "Shit Bella. Careful." He sounds worried. "I'm sorry." I  smile at him like a dumb. He shakes his head a little and makes me sit on the roof carefully before he suits himself beside me.

A beautiful silence. I lean my head on his shoulder and tighten my grip on his hand. Nights like this are magical. "Parker why you like me?" I asked softly. "The same answer Bella. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is the same. Love doesn't find reasons." I looked at him only to find his eyes already on me. " Love" I whispered and avert my eyes. "You know what Parker?" I looked back at him. " Even in the presence of billion stars, my eyes which used to love watching them, surprisingly today cannot do the same. Blame on certain someone." We both smiled. I continued," I can't take my eyes off you. Why? I just want to keep on looking at you. Only you.  My heart is losing its sense. Why? There's something happening inside me. You're doing something to me, Parker. It's so much that it suffocates.." I was cut off by his lips on mine. He kissed me so passionately. This moment if I die also I don't care. This sounds so cheesy but little moments like these are what make life. My life. So I kissed back but he stopped. "I'm sorry", I apologized quickly." I'm not good at this." I said and bite my lips and it tasted like him. With his eyes turns dark shade, his thumbs tug my lips out of my teeth. "Don't bite your lips. I'm afraid I cannot stop myself from biting them." And with that, I turned into a tomato. Gosh, he is so straight-forward. When I hid my face from him, he slowly pulls my face towards him. " Don't think you're not good enough, Bella. You don't how your single kiss can kick all my cells into the fire." I'm a ripe tomato right now. "Stop talking like that," I whined like a small kid. "You making me blush." For that Parker laughs out loud and pulls me towards him and side hugs me tightly. "No worries I'll teach you how to kiss and everything" He flirted again and I punch him on his side only to him say "Damn I love you Bella" and hugs me more tightly.

"For how long?" I expect his grip on me would loosen upon my question but it doesn't but only get tighter. With exhaling loudly " As long as I breathe." he whispered. I looked at him. "Parker I can't able to give you happiness. You deserve someone who can give you a family. I'm not that one." I whispered still in his hug. I don't want to get away from him or his hug, but this love story will never have a happy ending. His brown orbs fixing on me, he kissed lightly on my forehead. "You're my family. I need you. I want you. I want you to hold my hands while watching stars, listening to my rambles, and just be with me. Everyday and it's fucking enough for me."


"Don't think too much Bella. Let's savor this moment. You, me, and the Orion stars."

I opened the door of the room where Parker has to sleep. He raised his eyebrows, questioning "What?". "This is where you gonna sleep tonight." I leaned on the door frame. He shakes his head little and looked down, chuckled. "Don't you ever think of sleeping in my room," I warned. With a smug look in his goddamn beautiful face, he closes the door and with a swift motion, he kissed on my cheek then whispered on my ears, " That's the only thing in my mind right now." Oh, that husky voice that is so delicious. Wait snap Bella! In the meantime of me recoiling from his magic, Parker already at the door of my room. With throwing me a smirk he goes right into my room and the next moment I jogged to my room. The last thing I want right now is to wake up my parents downstairs.

And the first thing I saw in my room was a very shirtless Parker with shorts pants on my bed. I close both the door and my eyes, shrieking. "Put on your shirt and get the hell out of my bed!" I whispered yell which earned a delicious laugh from him with saying " Why you have to be this cute?".

Completely ignoring Parker, I walk straight to the other side of the bed, took the left pillow and my blanket, and head to my yellow armchair beside the window. Before I could reach it, a pair of strong arms pull me by the waist on to the bed. With a thump we both felt onto the bed, Well I on his chest while him on the bed, technically. "You buffalo," I whispered, again I don't want to wake up my parents because I don't know what will happen if they found out both us on my bed. I kick him and try to free myself but he didn't budge an inch and I gave up eventually. Parker was busy laughing and I put my hands on his mouth, whispered " Don't be too loud. My parents will wake up." His laugh stops and then only I realize that I'm straddling him. "I like this," he said and I turn red. Quickly I get off from him and lie beside him. With my back on him, I said " Don't flirt with me and don't ever think to touch me. Stay where you are." In a second his strong hands pull me towards him effortlessly. He adjusts the hair on my neckline and kissed on my exposed neck nape making my whole body ignites with fire. "Shut up Bella." Parker tightens his hands around me and all I could do was smile widely and snuggled closer to him. I hate you, Parker.

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