Chapter 30

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With just wearing my underwear and Parker's white shirt, I snuggled close to him. The blanket keeps us warm. His arm tightens around my body, his eyes trained at the sky. His chiseled jaw is touchable. " You're so beautiful, Parker." A small smile finds it's way on his kissable lips and the delicious brown eyes settled on me. "Beautiful? I thought men supposed to be called handsome. And I'm hot as well." He smirked. " Whatever that makes you sleep." I joked and looked at the stars.

We didn't mind checking what time is it. I can feel his eyes still on me. "Today is the best day of my entire life, Bella." His voice was husky. He swallowed and continue saying, " And you're the sole reason." His chapped lips planted a kiss on my temple. "For me too," I whispered and look at him and circled my fingers on his chest. He grabbed my circling hand. " I need to concentrate because I have something important to tell." Instantly, unwanted feelings started to creep into me. Despite my uncomfortable feelings, I urged him to speak. "I'm leaving the city, Bella. It's a duty call." His hands tighten its grip and he looks at me carefully. Guess he knows all I want to do is run away from him before he leaves me.

I averted my eyes from him, looking nowhere I asked, "For how long?". "One month," he paused and continued again. "I brought you here to spend some quality time before I leave, but one thing leads to one thing and something unplanned but beautiful happened." His voice was raspy. I removed myself from him and sit up. It's so heavy my heart, my breath, and my body. I don't like this. "Bella.," he called my name softly, and sit up. He pulls my chin towards him, and our eyes collided. "I'll come back, Bella. I promise you, I'll never leave you. I can't." His pupil dilates. I smiled sadly. "That's the problem, Parker. Every time when someone promise they won't leave me, I let myself trust them only to see them leaving me." I look at him. "That shit scares me Parker and breaks me. My fear of losing someone makes me leave and that's why I choose to live alone. I don't easily let people in. But after a long time, I trusted you..." I curl my fingers into him, "You came like a storm, and like a leaf, I floated away with you. But now.." I was cut off by him. "Bella," his voice was stern. "I'm not someone. You know that." My heart started to feel lighter hearing him. " I'll come back, Bella. It's a promise. Even it takes me to cross the sky, for you, I'll do it." And he kissed me lightly. The kiss calmed me and saved me. I just don't understand just how his love can do what no one else can.


"Don't miss me too much, babe," Parker said while descending the stairs of my doorsteps. "Don't call me babe." I hit him on the head. "Did you really hit an air-force officer who trained to protect this country." He looked shocked, and I can't able to stop myself from eye-rolling. "I guess I did," I answered smugly. "In that case," he pulls me by waist towards him, "you madam will be punished to kiss the victim until the victim says stop."

I smiled little and kissed him. We got viewers from the street, but the only thing matters now are him, his lips, and me in his arms. Parker didn't waste a second to deepen the kiss. We parted away for breath, and refrain ourselves from another kissing scene. "Be safe, Parker." I tightly hold his hands, with no intention to let go. "You too okay. I'll call you if you got signal." He kissed my temple one last time, then said, " I love you, Bella." His eyes look passed my barrier. "Go. It's getting late." I pushed him lightly but he didn't move an inch. "When will you say those three words, Bella?" He asked and tugged my hair behind the ears and kissed me on the lips.

Honestly, I don't have the answer to him. I'm just too scared to utter those three words. We both stared deep into each other eyes and he smiled, shaking his head lightly. "You're crazy Bella. Maybe, that's why I love you." I was in the urge of crying. This is hard, but I hugged him tightly and inhaled his scent. I felt the way his arms holding around me and all I want now is to drag him back into the home. But all I did was, "Goodbye, Parker." His hug tightens. "Don't say goodbye."


I stopped at the red signal. My freshly pedicured fingers tapped on steering wheel accords to the beat of Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking Out Loud'. My thoughts drift back to Parker's figure waving goodbye at me. It's been more than 3 weeks since he left for work. No calls or messages, but the memories and his brown jacket on my bed. Parker clouded my thoughts without taking a break. His, arms, lips, scent, voice, eyes, and everything that quoted to him, suffocates me and I can't wait to see him. I think I'll cry if I see him because honestly man I really do miss him badly.

The light shifted from red to green. I turn on my right and enter the hospital entrance. I parked at the reserved parking area for hospital staff, wear my white coat and my day officially started. After much documentation and few appointments with the patient, left was only two hours for my shift to ends when Mrs.Tomlinson enters the room with a warm smile. My last patient for today. After the regular check-up and sonography, I was scribbling the name medication she should take when she initiated a conversation. "Is everything fine with my baby, Miss. Bella?" I closed her file and handed over to her, smiling politely. "The baby is doing fine, Mrs. Tomlinson. No worries, the baby is in a good position." I reassured her. "Keep on taking the supplements and medication that prescripted, then everything will be fine. Do some home chores like mopping which involves hip. It will make it easier for a natural delivery." Mrs.Tomlinson carefully listen to me and smiled. "Noted Miss. Thank you, then." Saying that she left the room, leaving me stretching on my seat. The work is over.

That's when my phone rang and I eagerly look at the screen thinking it will be Parker, but for my utter disappointment it shows 'Unknown Number'. Suddenly I felt so uneasy and scared. I answered the phone, "Hello.." My voice was a little shaky. "Is this Bella?" A man asked. "Yes speaking. May I know who is this?". I licked my dried lips. My heart already knows that something bad is going to happen. "Bella, it's me, Logan." His voice sounds sad, and all I want to do now is cut the call but I didn't. "Is Parker fine?" I cut straight to the part.

Please tell me he is okay, please.

"Sorry, Bella" With his ever words I saw that my world is collapsing and I'm helpless. " Parker met with an accident."

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