Chapter 41

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Violet's POV

Gunfire rang from the inside of the Spades house. I saw a collection of black SUVs parked around the house and I knew they didn't belong to the Spades. My throat felt tight and my eyes started watering thinking about how Andy was in there fighting for his life.

"I can't believe this is happening. This is so messed up! How did our lives get to this?" I asked Rose and she looked equally as terrified, which didn't make me feel better. Rose was a badass and rarely was scared by anything so the fact that I could see the terror on her face only made my anxiety worse.

"We knew this was going to happen when we fell in love with killers." She tried to joke. I forced a laugh as I wiped my tears away.

"Should we go help them? I hate feeling helpless Rose! We have to do something." I said frantically.

"We don't have any guns Vi, and those guys still want to kill us just as much as they want to kill them. Especially since it's Jackson leading this whole thing and you so helpfully shot him."

I glared at her and she smirked at me, "Now is not the time to be making jokes. We have to do something! I can't sit here listening to that," I pointed to the rapid gunfire and screams coming from the house, "without doing anything!" I was almost fully sobbing now.

"What are we supposed to do?" She asked.

"I don't know! You're in the CIA, think of something!" I begged her to come up with a plan.

"Look, I want to help them just as much as you do, but we need to be rational here. We don't have any weapons and those guys are out for blood from the Spades and us. I'm not going to let your heart lead us into getting killed"

"Let's find some weapons then. We can sneak in the upstairs window and they'll never see us coming. Since you're clearly better with a gun hopefully you can snipe them from above if we stay upstairs." I said as I rummaged through the car. I found a handgun that only had 3 bullets in it. Rose found an automatic gun with a magazine.

"Vi, are you sure you want to do this? We can just leave and pretend this year never even happened. We can move to a new town, and you can get a new writing job and-"

"Rose," I interrupted her, "I love him. I mean I really love him and I can't just leave, even if it means I get myself killed. If you want to leave I understand, but I need to try to help Andy." I said and she frowned and nodded.

"I'm not letting you go in there by yourself. Alright, let's do this." She said as she loaded her gun and we exited the car. We quickly ran over to the side of the oversized house and climbed up the fire escape to the second story to sneak in a window in the hallway. I heard the gunfire from downstairs and my heart was racing. As we walked down the hallway I saw the brutal fight going on downstairs and my ears were ringing from the gunfire. I swear everything was happening in slow motion. We hid behind the wall and I saw the fight. Brett was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Multiple others, mostly Cobras, were also lying dead on the floor. I felt sick seeing all these people killed like this.

Andy was hiding around the corner towards Todd's office shooting over at Jackson who was in the kitchen. It appeared that more Cobras were getting taken down than Spades, which is good. I saw Rose line up her gun and start taking some of them out. I was frozen. I didn't know who to start shooting. I saw Andy turn to see us and he glared. I knew he would be angry but I had to help him. Stephen was shooting from behind the couch and appeared to be uninjured. So much was happening so fast but it all seemed so slow.

Rose walked away from me to get a better shooting angle as she was helping to take people down. I scanned the room trying to stay hidden and made eye contact with Jackson. It felt like my heart stopped as he propped his gun to point at me. He was finally going to get his revenge for my accidental shooting.

"No!" Andy yelled as he ran out and tackled Jackson to the floor as he fired the gun at me. I dove to the ground and the drywall behind me crumbled as the bullet made a large hole. I saw Andy on top of Jackson fighting him. "Call this off now or I'll kill you." He aimed the gun to Jackson's head. I saw a different man point a gun at Andy and I tried my best to shoot him. Before I could, he fired and hit Andy. I heard Andy scream as I quickly took two shots and managed to get the man in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground. I looked over to Andy who had just shot Jackson before he fell to the ground beside him. I felt my throat clench. He was hurt. Andy laid lifeless on the ground. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face at the thought of him dying. The firing had almost completely stopped and Stephen stood up with the many remaining Spades and yelled.

"Enough!" Stephen yelled as he pointed the gun at the last few Cobras standing. "There's way more of us than you. If you try anything we will kill you." He said as all the Spades surrounded them pointing their guns at them. They dropped their weapons and held their hands up. "Or we will just kill you anyway." He smirked and the Spades shot them all to the ground.

I covered my ears as they fell to the floor. I didn't even stop to check if the coast was clear before I ran down the stairs towards Andy. He laid lifeless on the kitchen floor.

"Andy, please." I sobbed as I stroked his face. I noticed blood coming out of the right side of his chest. "Please wake up," I tried to shake him awake. "No, Andy you need to wake up! Come on!" I yelled and I felt someone's arms around me. I knew it was Rose and I shoved her off of me and leaned on Andy's chest and sobbed. "No. Please, wake up. Please!" I begged as my sobs made it hard to breathe. I shut my eyes tightly and it felt like the walls were closing in around me. He can't be dead. He only jumped on Jackson so he wouldn't shoot me. He was always saving my life. He can't be dead.

"Vi," I heard Rose say and I ignored her and continued to cry on Andy.

"No, no, NO!" I sobbed and I clenched the fabric of his shirt in my fingers. "Please Andy, please wake up." I continued to cry. It felt like hours passed with me lying on his lifeless chest. I choked out some more cries and I felt him start to move beneath me. I sat up and opened my eyes to stare at his face. His bright blue eyes shot open and looked at me. "Andy?" I said and he blinked a few times.

"Yeah?" He said. I finally felt like I could breathe again. I carefully hugged him and cried some more.

"Oh thank God." I clutched him tightly. "Are you okay?" I asked as I stared at him. Stephen handed me a towel and I held it over his gunshot wound. "We need to get to the hospital now," I said and he smirked and rolled his eyes.

"You're obsessed with hospitals, aren't you Sweetheart?" He joked and I laughed. I heard Rose and Stephen chuckle from behind me.

"Andy, you scared me so badly," I said as I helped him get up.

"I told you I will always keep you safe Vi. I couldn't let that bastard get you," he said as Stephen and some other Spades helped get him to the car. I sat in the backseat with him while Stephen and Rose sat in the front on our way to the hospital. I held a towel over his chest wound and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so happy you're alright," I said as I sighed relieved.

"No Cobra is going to take me down. However, I'm not happy that you showed up at the house at all when I specifically told you to stay with Jeff." He said sternly. I shook my head and smiled that he was back to his controlling and angry self.

"You can be mad at me for that. I don't even care. I'm just happy you're alive." I said and he smiled. I leaned up to carefully and passionately kiss him. "Yes," I said and he looked at me confused.

"Yes, what?" He asked and I chuckled and kissed him again.

"Yes, Andy, I'll marry you."

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