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"You're so lucky!" Ron was pouting. "I wish I could start Hogwarts too!"

"You'll be there next year. And it'll be better because I can help you around the school. You'll have more fun next year."

"I still wish we were together."

"Hey, it's not like I won't be around. Next year, we'll both be in Gryffindor and you'll see me all the time, but not so much that you'll have your lame big sister hanging around. Besides, won't Harry Potter be starting next year? Who knows, maybe he'll come to Hogwarts like his mum and dad and you'll bump into each other?"

"Oh yeah! That'd be great! But I'd never be embarrassed of you, 'Xandra."

"How many times times do I have to tell you it's Alexandra, Ronald?"

"Call me Ron." He moaned.

"Never. Now while I wait for mum, why don't you get us some chocolate frogs?" She said, handing her brother two galleons.

"Where'd you get two galleons from?"

"It's a secret." She winked, tapping her nose. "Now, go! And hurry." As soon as her brother ducked into the shop, she turned to her left. "Who are you?" She asked. "You've been following us since we left Gringotts!"

"You noticed." The man said, surprised. He had a hood covering his face.

"I've already got my wand, you know. And I've been reading my brothers' books. I'm sure I could hex you with a body bind spell if you try anything funny."

"Well, what do you know?" He drawled. "A Weasley with brains."

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"You." He said simply. "And you'll allow me to approach you or my friend over there will go introduce himself to your brother." Alexandra looked up and saw a wizard standing a few metres away from the sweet shop. She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms.

"How do I know you aren't bluffing?" The man let out a chuckle and raised head enough for her to make out pearly white teeth and a small beard. He nodded at the man who began to head into Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe. "Okay, okay. Call him back." She said quickly and the man with the hood shook his head at the other man. The other man nodded and walked past the shop instead. The hooded man neared Alexandra and grabbed her shoulder. Ron walked out of the sweet shop to see a man disappear with his older sister.

"Alexandra!" He yelled. "Alex! Alex!" The streets were pretty deserted, but the few onlookers frowned at him.

"Are you alright?" A woman asked and he shook his head.

"He took her. He took my sister!" Ron rushed toto the other side of the street where his sister should have stood. All that was there was a wand. Her brand new wand. The man who was going to approach Ron earlier walked away from the scene with a smirk.

Alexandra WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now