His ex girlfriend😡😢

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Ava Bekker

Hi Diary

So today was the worst day ever Connor's ex girlfriend came back. (I got really jealous, did I say that out loud).

Now that me and Connor are broken up, she's going to try to get with him,(not today sister back off).

I'm going to try and fix this If I can Connor doesn't want to listen to me, unless it is our patient or doctors notes.

Everytime I see Connor, I want to cry because his ex girlfriend Robin is in the way of everything we have.

When we were in the OR Connor told me he trusted Robin and I know deep down my heart broke in a million pieces.

When I first got to med, I had this wall that was building up inside me, but when I met Connor, the wall came down and everything came out my feelings, my emotions everything, and it feels like he made me soften a little bit inside.

I hate seeing Robin and Connor together, it breaks me so much, but I can't just hate her for no reason, she didn't do anything to me, so I just put on a fake smile and keep it moving.

When me and Connor was in the OR, he got a mystery call. He just ran out of surgery And didn't tell me anything.

Later that evening, we all found out what happened, some man was trying to Rob him for money.

It hurt me even more when I found out that he was running for Robin, but if I was in danger, I don't think he'll come running me.

I think every time something little happened to Connor, he always give me this angry or I know she did it look.

I can't take this no more.

How do you guys like it so far.
Ps- I'm about to fight the Chicago med writer's because they're making Ava the bad guy in every little thing. 😡😤

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