The Father

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Robin POV

So I'm going to tell Connor what Natalie said but tell him to keep it to himself until he finds out is it you are not.

Connor POV

I just spoke to Robin and she told me Ava had my child, but that can't be right because we didn't sleep together at all when I got back together the Robin, so it can't be true unless she was pregnant a long time ago, and she was hiding my child from me, No that can't be either because at the time, Ava was flat as a pancake, so she probably got pregnant with some other guy back home.

I'm going to talk to Natalie after the surgery, because if it's true, I want to see my child right now.

Natalie POV

I have a feeling that Connor knows Ava was pregnant with his child. For some reason, I hope he don't know because this can hurt me and Ava's relationship and I don't want that to happen at all, so I got to find a way to make up a lie to Connor about this whole situation.

I'm praying so hard right now that he thinks is a lie or something, because this cannot get out that he knows.

After surgery

Nobody POV

So Connor went to go see what this Ava child is mine stuff people are talking about.

Natalie said she was talking about another connor she knew, but we all know that was a lie, so connor took the information Natalie gave him and left it alone, because in his head, he's not the father of any child he didn't have.

How are you guys liking it so far, Ava will come back to Chicago sooner than guys think, so stay tune.
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