The past hurts the future

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It feels so good to work again and to see Connor's face every morning as we drop off Ellie at day care.

  Some days we don't even get to see Ellie on our breaks because we are always in major surgeries that take so long. When we do get to see her it's either for 3 to 5 minutes or when we get off to go pick her up.

Robin POV

The guy I slept with and got pregnant by is one of Connor's patients today and I been trying to avoid him. His name is CJ and if Connor find out that this is not his child, Everything between us is going to go downhill real fast.

Connor's POV

I've been paging and calling Robin all day to talk to her about something important and I know she's in the hospital somewhere but I just can't find her.

(Why do I feel like she avoiding me)


I was walking down the hallway to check on me and Connor patient we did surgery on earlier today, and I overheard Robin talking to some men about a baby and Connor. I couldn't really hear what they was talking about but I know Conor been telling me that he's been trying to talk to her about something but never could find her.

Robin POV

I've been avoiding Connor all day because CJ (Also known as the real father of my unborn child but Connor doesn't need to know that) was asking questions about that night we have sex together and why I haven't called him back.

I want to tell him the real reason of why I didn't call him back but all he's going to do if I tell him is ask for a DNA test and I don't want to go down that path with him just yet.

what do you guys think. Do you think Robin is right or do you guys think she needs to stop playing with connor and CJ life's.
Hey guys

Thanks you for all my Rhekker Fans for Patiently waiting for me to post a new chapter, I've been really busy with school and didn't have time to post so thanks you my loves

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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