My whole world

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Robin POV

I'm so sick of Ava and her baby   Ruining everything for me meena konar haven't talked about this situation yet about me, him, and her.

Connor got this whole baby situation in his head and I don't like it at all,  we don't even know that if the baby is really his yet so I am going to convince him to take the test and stop listening to the outsider an listen to ME.

If it comes back his I'm going to sabotage it because I don't need a baby involved in our relationship.


I made it home a couple of days ago and my life can't be any better than it already is.

Natalie told me about connor little plan about asking me for a DNA test for our daughter.

I'm so sick of  him not stepping up and being a father to our daughter. (key word our)

I'm going to let him take a DNA test just to prove him wrong about Elizabeth but when he does I'm going to have him suffer a little while.

Until he can show me he can step up and be a father to our daughter and not listen to his stupid girlfriend Robin, Maybe we can be a family but right now with everything going on it's a big fat NO.

Connor POV

I had a conversation with myself and I don't know which way to go.
listen to Ava and take care of the baby or listen Robin and take DNA  test, which way should I go.
I don't know  but I hope I'm not picking the wrong side When it comes down to the baby sake.

Robin POV

  I finally convinced Connor to take the test, I'm so happy because hes finally listening to me and just me.
He don't need to  Listen to Ava at all she knows that's not his baby, so I don't know why she keep pushing him to be a father, when me and him know it not his.

Sorry guys that I'm late with it but do you guys like it so far, are you guys  on Robin Side or Ava side.

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