brokenhearted 💔😭

804 21 4

Ava better

Connor dad passed away a week ago, he was heartbroken and angry at himself for not having a relationship with him. I feel so sorry for him about his dad.( or maybe not, stop being mean AVA).

and you know in connor head it's blame everything on ava day but i'm not going down for this one at all. I didn't do anything to his father. ( that's real cooled to do to some body family member) I know connor call's me a monster but I will never in my life do this to nobody .

(now that his father is gone *not in a mean way* I got connor to myself, if robin get out the way)

they did a biopsy on connor dad and said someone in the hospital gave him an overdose of insulin and all the fingers pointed to me as always.

I had to give up my ID to the hospital until they found out who did it. I almost got arrested because connor said I did it.

they found out who did it by the way, it was some nurse that Mrs. Garrett payed to do it.

I tried talking to Conner before he leaves and tell him my secret I've been hiding in me for like 2 weeks now, but he keeps pushing me away and saying,we're not getting back together, and so I just left, because I was angry that he didn't give me a chance to explain that he is the father of my child, but NO, he doesn't listen to anybody but himself and Robin and his other coworkers is in the hospital and (I don't mean me)

but it's ok, because I'm just going to leave and don't come back until the baby's born are not at all, I don't want to do it, but if I have to I'm going to for my child sake.

I hate that the Chicago med writers is doing this to Ava and Connor. I can't deal with this no more I'm done.

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