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Today, I'm flying out so I can surprise Natalie on Owen birthday in 2 days.

I really don't want to go to be honest, I don't want to face those people yet (Connor) , I don't want any drama at all because Ellie is with me and I don't want her around that stuff.

When I get there, I hope it's just peace and everyone enjoys Owen birthday, but I have a feeling it's not, so let's pray for Owen.

Connor POV

Natalie invited me and Robin to Owens birthday party in 2 days and I can't get hold of Robin, she's been blowing me off a couple of days, but I think it's family issues so I'm not going to think much of it.

Robin POV

I know this is wrong of me, but I had to do it to save me and Conner's relationship.

I found Ava's daughter birth certificate, but it wasn't signed by the father, so I put a fake name for the father. I did it for Connor sake.


I just landed in Chicago and I already feel at home, I just want to see Natalie and talk to her about talking to Connor about being the father of my daughter.

Natalie POV

Owen's birthday is in 2 days and everything is coming together, one by one, I can't believe Owen turning 3 he's growing up so fast and I can't wait to see him do so.


Chicago Med writers are tripping, they going to kill Ava like that though. And Connor is a asshole for putting her through this.

I also hope Natalie and will are ok.
her boyfriend, or wherever Chicago med writers want to call him is crazy for her.

All of it is just bullshit. And Chicago Med writers can kiss my  ass.

I can't, I just can't

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