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Today I found out the gender of my baby, Its A GIRL (I'm so happy) my princess is going to look like me and her father Connor.

Natalie told me over the phone the other day Connor and his ex-girlfriend Robin is back together, I was a little broken but  I'm not focused on them, I'm focused on my princess and my life right now.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks to see if she is OK but I know she's OK, she's been moving around All day non-stop.

My family is going to throw me a baby shower 2 or 3 weeks before I go into  labor,  I don't know why they're waiting that long but its their choice.

Me and April, Maggie, and Natalie made a new song call (hair) it about getting your ex out your head and moving on.

  They are waiting to I get back to Chicago to release are song.we are also making a YouTube channel for your songs and girl group.

We're keeping this on a down low for right now because I know Natalie, Maggie, April don't want to give up what there doing at med and I don't either.( when I ever go back)

I'm depending on whether Conor should know I'm pregnant with his baby or not.

I feel like he deserved to know, but at the same time, he shouldn't, I don't know right now, but I want her to have a father in her life.

I'm almost 6 months pregnant, and I still have to do her nursery, My brother offered to do it for me, so I have to buy paint and baby decorations to go in her room. And then I'm going to just let my brother have fun with it and see what it would look like afterwards.

I can't believe she's my life now👶🏼

I can't wait to see you my princess 😍🌸💝

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