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Robin POV

So today I passed Natalie and she was talking to the girls Maggie and April, and she said, Ava had a child by Connor, but I thought about it, and when Connor & me started dating, she just left so the baby can't be his.

(so she thought)

I'm going to ask Connor if it's true, but it's probably not, so I'm not going to waste my breath, asking him when I know the answer is no, But if it is true I don't know how I will feel about Connor.

Ava Bekker POV

So today, Ellie is one half weeks old and she is doing so good. She don't cry in the middle of night at all (If I don't feed her on time that's the only time) she also don't like taking baths, that's a no no for her.

Sometimes I feel guilty for not telling Connor that I was pregnant in the first place and sometimes I need a break or need help with her but I'm afraid to call Conner and say  (hey Connor umm I had a baby an it's yours, can you fly down here and h...

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Sometimes I feel guilty for not telling Connor that I was pregnant in the first place and sometimes I need a break or need help with her but I'm afraid to call Conner and say  (hey Connor umm I had a baby an it's yours, can you fly down here and help me. I'm already scared enough moving back down there and have to put on my big girl pants an be face to face with him in the OR.

I hope Natalie keeps my secret under wraps because I don't need Connor knowing this too early. If he does then all HELL is going to break loose.

Do you guys think Robin will keep the secret to herself or tell Connor and let hell break loose

Please vote thank you

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