Wrong direction

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Ava pov

I'm so sick of people bring me down, and I can't pick myself back up. Even if I look at my daughter face, that's not even enough strength to pull me up.

My daughter is my son shine but when I look at her face, I see connor and it hurt me to know he's apart of her, with all the stuff he put me through.

I try to keep my emotions in check  but sometimes they get the best of me and I can't control how I'm feeling in that moment.

Connor has yet to call me and let me know how he feels about the results of the dna test. Sometimes I think  he is so selfish and careless, when it comes down to these situations.

I'm so glad Ellie makes me have a reason to get up everyday to see her beautiful face and laugh because all of this is hurting me and her.

Connor POV

When I came in from work (med) I saw Robin at the computer  Typing something but I didn't give it my attention, so I walked right past her an went to go take a shower.

When I came out of the shower Robin was waiting on the Bed with the letter in her hand looking all sad like someone die.

Robin gave me the letter and I open it and all of my feelings fell to hell and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Elizabeth is was 0.00001% not mine.

I have to call Ava and tell her the results of the test because she have the right to know but half of me want to call her right now and the other half  is scared to face her reaction.

Even Robin is sad for me in this situation.

Robin POV

I waited to Conor got in the shower to put everything together to give him.

I had to put on a fake sad face so Connor can think I'm hurting with him about the results of Ava's daughter.

(Even though I'm happy, that he don't have to be apart of Ellie life.)

Do you guy think anybody will found out.

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