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Connor POV

Hey, Ava and the baby go back home, but I'm going to convince her to stay a little while longer.

The reason is to ask her for a DNA, because my gut is telling me something is up about this and my heart is just telling me to be the best father to her in the whole entire world.

I know what everybody is thinking, I am the dumbest person on earth right now to ask her that I just want to see if she really is mine so I can have a connection with her and Ava together.


I'm not going to leave without saying goodbye to Natalie. She's been there for me since I found out I was pregnant.

I want to go see April Maggie, before I leave to, they help me do this too. Everybody (my friends) it's going to be mad at me because I'm leaving and probably not coming back.

I don't want us to leave, but I don't want Ellie around all this drama. I know everybody thinks I'm running away from my problems, but I'm not, I just don't want my feeling to get hurt again.

Natalie POV

I heard some rumours about Conor going to ask Ava for a DNA test,( Is he stupid) I told him the whole story when everything went downhill at my house and that's Ellie was his and he thinks he's going to go behind my back and try to take a DNA test when I already told him the truth, (not today Connor, not today)

I know Ava going to be upset that Connor is not stepping up even though I told him the truth and everything that I knew that happened these past few months with Ava an the baby.

I don't think Connor even deserves Ava or the baby but you have to give some people a second chance in life  Even though they don't deserve it.

Connor POV

I met up with Ava to talk to her about the DNA test thing and before I even said one word I got a slap in the face by her And I stood there in shock.

When I looked at her she had tears running down her face and I felt Bad.  Maybe I won't ask her, maybe I'll take care of our daughter and in the future we can have a better connection together.

As a FAMILY 💞👨‍👩‍👧

I am so sorry you guys that I  haven't been updating but I am going to be updating and I'm going to make a schedule for you guys so you can have stories but keep voting and be patient for me.

Thank you and have a happy Thanksgiving😊🤗

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